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Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
10/24/2004 9:08:13 PM

An excellent job of capturing a moment of everyday life. Amazingly, it looks as if only one of the people in the photo is aware that you are taking a picture. Not that I advocate sneaking up on people...but usually to get a natural looking photograph you have to click the shutter before they are even aware that you are there.

On a technical note, I really like the lighting of this shot. Are those rectangular overhead lights fluorescent tubes or skylights? If they are fluorescent, I must commend you on however you made the light turn out looking somewhat white. Usually with fluorescent lights, I have a choice of photos looking green (unfiltered) or orange (fluorescent filter). While fluorescent light is less of a problem than it used to be, thanks partially to four-layer films, it still doesn't look quite natural to me. I don't know the details of Fuji Sensia, but if memory serves it's daylight balanced. Did you use any filters or post-exposure color balance tinkering? However you managed it, this is quite a good shot.
        Photo By: Mick Feuerbacher  (K:218)


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