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Critiques From Ethan Lewis

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Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/23/2005 9:14:35 AM

Stunning. That's all I can say about it. The last landscape shot I saw that was this sharp was taken with a 4x5" large format camera with slide film...
        Photo By: Affandy M Shaari  (K:160)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/23/2005 9:06:39 AM

A nice shot overall. It could benefit from a touch more contrast, though.
        Photo By: Ian Miller  (K:9190)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/23/2005 9:02:57 AM

Great use of DOF and very dramatic lighting. I like how the lighting makes the outline of the spider glow, making hairs and tiny details stand out.
        Photo By: narabia    (K:9563)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/23/2005 4:33:43 AM

Very nice. It's interesting how the edge of the glass on the right sort of disappears, and how the faces on the left and right are blurred (well, the one on the right is more obscured than blurred, but the point is you can't see the whole thing), but somehow you can still see that they're smiling.
        Photo By: Kyle Miller  (K:127)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/23/2005 4:26:42 AM

Great perspective.
        Photo By: Leanne Johnson  (K:80)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/20/2005 4:37:00 AM

great action shot.
        Photo By: Blake Heiss  (K:2197)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/18/2005 4:36:29 AM

I love the mood and composition of this photo. Very well done!
        Photo By: alexander garcia castro  (K:7335)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/18/2005 4:32:46 AM

Them are some big feet. I wear a US size 13, and still, them are some big stinkin' feet.
        Photo By: saher aziz  (K:1016)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/18/2005 4:30:43 AM

Amazing. I like the shiny bluish tint. What were the people with the sticks actually doing?
        Photo By: Le Bich  (K:973) Donor

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/18/2005 4:25:26 AM

Adorable. Think of it as a miniature version of a McDonald's Playland ball bin...
        Photo By: Kara Nolan  (K:0)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/18/2005 4:15:28 AM

Great pose. Is this a double exposure or something of that nature?
        Photo By: adam pate  (K:282)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/18/2005 4:13:18 AM

        Photo By: saher aziz  (K:1016)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/18/2005 4:10:55 AM

Very dramatic!
        Photo By: Salvatore Rossignolo  (K:13559)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/18/2005 4:10:04 AM

I love the lighting in this shot.
        Photo By: Pat Fruen  (K:12076)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/18/2005 3:58:40 AM

Very cute. I especially like the positioning of his hand. Like he was shielding his eyes from the sun or something as he fell asleep.
        Photo By: Tracey Parkhurst  (K:0)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/14/2005 8:13:10 AM

I normally don't like "street photography", but the look on the leftmost man's face is simply priceless.
        Photo By: Ali Peyman  (K:1176)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/13/2005 4:11:01 PM

Your macros blow my mind. It also blows my mind that you took them with such an "unorthodox" setup. Could you possibly take a photograph of your macro setup? I'm having a hard time visualizing what exactly it is you did...

Keep up the amazing work. You're an inspiration to all us poor photographers, although it sure was convenient to be able to blame one's equipment for the poor quality of a shot. One more handy excuse down the drain. Curse you for raising the bar for us all! =P
        Photo By: Domjan Svilkovic  (K:3104)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/13/2005 4:00:39 PM

Very Escher-esque...
        Photo By: safak tortu  (K:2724)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/13/2005 3:55:55 PM

I love it! Are the streaks in the foregeround airborne water droplets from a sprinkler system or something, or something different?
        Photo By: Ali Peyman  (K:1176)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/13/2005 3:49:03 PM

Gorgeous shot, and perfect timing, too! One little thing, eye wants the jumping boy to be either brighter or darker...either fully lit (with a fill flash or something) or completely dark. As it is, I can pick out some details of his facial expression, etc., but I have to strain to get them. Not a big deal, and it probably looks better printed on paper, or at least at higher resolution. Also, this could be due to my computer monitor's settings.
        Photo By: Nason Nguyen  (K:648)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/13/2005 3:44:32 PM

Excellent shot. I love the textures.
        Photo By: gianna piano  (K:15530)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
8/2/2005 4:22:41 AM

        Photo By: In Transit  (K:29432)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
7/25/2005 9:51:39 PM

wow... I actually never noticed that before...
        Photo By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
7/25/2005 9:50:18 PM

Thanks for the comments, everyone.

Yeah, this shot was completely lucky. My friends and I jump off of things (a.k.a. "freestyle walking") and I photograph it sometimes, and neither him nor I had any idea how this would turn out.
        Photo By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
7/25/2005 2:13:56 AM

Tranquil and beautiful, but very foreboding at the same time.
        Photo By: KEVIN TEMPLE  (K:8657) Donor

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
7/25/2005 1:54:29 AM

Nice...It reminds me of when they made a hyperspace jump in Star Wars...
        Photo By: Ed Rhodes  (K:1113)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
7/18/2005 2:33:03 AM

Amazing. Perfect composition, tones, depth of field, everything.

You certainly are versatile.
        Photo By: ppdix    (K:17069)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
7/18/2005 2:26:26 AM

Very nice. The colors are stunning, and the depth of field really enhances the shot.
        Photo By: steven carter  (K:2140)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
7/18/2005 2:23:42 AM

Very nice. I like the composition and tones a lot.
        Photo By: Sian   (K:2487)

Critique By: Ethan Lewis  (K:1536)  
3/3/2005 12:56:30 AM

The sky in this photo is amazing, overwhelming. Excellent mood. Feels like a storm's coming....
        Photo By: Xunilek   (K:717)

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