Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
3/20/2006 3:26:28 PM
Thanks! Actually, it was at 1/400. I plugged in the incorrect info. It was a pretty bright arena though. Pretty lucky. Great tournament. I have many great shots from the weekend.
Photo By: Steve Day
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
5/25/2005 5:25:17 PM
I love that expression on his face! Great picture.
Photo By: Jeffrey Dodenbier
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
5/24/2005 4:05:05 PM
I like this picture. Simple but very strong to me.
Photo By: Kamran
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
5/24/2005 3:58:44 PM
Thanks for the comments! This is one of my favorite pictures for several reasons. It is actually a picture taken of a mirror hanging on my wall. My daughter was walking down the stairs and I caught a glimpse and thought it would make a good image. I wish I could say I used lots of skill to create it, but I just feel lucky!
Photo By: Steve Day
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
5/24/2005 11:41:47 AM
Thanks for the positive responses. Taking this picture was somewhat spur of the moment. I had never tried capturing lightning before. I took about fifteen pictures using a monopod and there were three that caught good strikes.
Photo By: Steve Day
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
10/16/2004 12:44:15 PM
Thank you both for the helpful comments. I have just begun using my horse as a subject and now I know I need to do a bit more research. I love the pictures taken by each of you. Thanks again for the comments. I will be watching your work!
Photo By: Steve Day
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
8/30/2004 1:04:18 AM
Photo By: Stuart Mackay
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
8/30/2004 12:51:22 AM
I like this. The flower really pops out. Nice work.
Photo By: Mark Kresl
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
8/29/2004 8:54:05 PM
Photo By: Steve Day
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
8/29/2004 8:50:50 PM
It is a statue/sculpture in Minneapolis. The lips are upside down from the actual statue. Here is the original picture.
Photo By: Steve Day
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
8/28/2004 8:38:31 PM
I like this a lot. Not the usual picture of something so often seen. Great.
Photo By: Jack Knudson
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
8/28/2004 8:33:27 PM
Photo By: Xunilek
Critique By:
Steve Day (K:32)
7/2/2004 1:25:59 PM
Thanks for the positve replies! I like the b/w! It really makes a more striking impact. Thanks
Photo By: Steve Day