Critique By:
Ryan Greene (K:3297)
10/19/2004 3:53:59 PM
Well, I think it helps to have a digital camera. That way, you can experiment and get results right away. And if it doesn't work, you can erase and do it again. Film is great for star trails, something digital can't do yet. But I think digital cameras are great for learning and experimentation because of the instant results. The LED picture is done in a pitch black room, with a 30 second exposure, I just spun the LED around myself on a string. The light paintings are 10 seconds if I remember correctly, and they involve a lot of spinning myself and the camera. Aperture settings I left up to the camera to decide, I'd just set the camera on "S" mode and pick how long to keep the shutter open. You can do all this stuff with film, but it's very expensive to experiment that way. If you don't have a digital, check out www.dpreview.com, it can help you decide on one to purchase.