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Critique By: stingRay pt.4 .  (K:250401) Donor  
7/21/2009 5:48:50 PM

Looks like a church Brandy but whatever the building is it looks good from this perspective and composed against the sky. Not sure that I can answer the question in the title. Very best wishes.......Ray
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: stingRay pt.4 .  (K:250401) Donor  
7/18/2009 8:53:31 PM

Aah, this one comes up a bit bigger on my screen but you are still not getting the maximum out of your postings Brandy. I do like the detailing in the cloud formations here and there are some very lovely tones in the sky so well done there.
Is the Elan IIe a film camera, I don't know this model? In America and some other countries Canon give some of their cameras different model numbers to the same camera over here, not sure why they do this. Do you have Photoshop or some similar photography software?? I have enjoyed my brief wander round your portfolio and I think you have a lot of very sound ideas Brandy. See you again soon, I hope Brandy. Very best wishes.......Ray
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: stingRay pt.4 .  (K:250401) Donor  
7/18/2009 8:43:07 PM

A lovely shot, puts me in mind of one that I did some time ago. Is this your own eye Brandy? If yes then I can guess things about the owner . Lovely tones and good focus, well done to you.

Remember how you attracted my attention?? You suddenly appeared on my screen and the result is you have a new friend. You can attract more like me by putting lots of comments out to the people whose work you like. You are not, at present, receiving as much attention as you deserve. I will stay in touch with you and I can only hope that you will reciprocate. I am going to comment on your most recent posting and then I shall move on......Very best wishes to you Brandy......Ray
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: stingRay pt.4 .  (K:250401) Donor  
7/18/2009 8:36:02 PM

Thoughtful composure again Brandy. This is a wonderful simplistic composition and the message is conveyed via the casual flip flops. Lovely natural tones and an excellent rippling set of reflections. Well done to you again. More best wishes........Ray
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: stingRay pt.4 .  (K:250401) Donor  
7/18/2009 8:32:42 PM

This is another well thought out composition Brandy and I just love the expression you have captured on her lovely little face. That's real attitude there. I think I might have cropped the composition square and taken out the secondary view beyond the tree. There is another thing that I have noticed you are not posting your images at their maximum size we are only getting to see he small size compositions. Do you know the maximum sizes???? Very best wishes to you.......Ray
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: stingRay pt.4 .  (K:250401) Donor  
7/18/2009 8:24:59 PM

Another well thought out composition Brandy. So you see you are doing a lot of things just right. I love the expression you have captured here, real attitude. I might have been tempted to crop the left hand view past the trees but none the less it looks great, well done. More best wishes......Ray
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: stingRay pt.4 .  (K:250401) Donor  
7/18/2009 7:11:10 PM

Again you have utilised nature to frame the side of this composition which is another positive aspect of photography learned. You really do have some wonderful ideas and this is very eyecatching with it's beautiful fiery tones. Well done again Brandy.
My wife has just announced that dinner is ready so I will break off here and come back afterwards as there are more I want to view. Well done again to you. All the best, see you again in a while......Ray
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: stingRay pt.4 .  (K:250401) Donor  
7/18/2009 7:06:35 PM

I see by this posting that you are fairly new to UF so first of all a big WELCOME to you Brandy.
This has been composed with great thought and you have already learned to crop tightly to increase the impact. This is lovely, it has a beautiful soft focus which is most suited to babies and toddlers and the tones are wonderful. Well done to you. Very best wishes.......Ray
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Libby  Murray  (K:516) Donor  
7/14/2009 2:27:27 PM

Gotta love the look
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Sofia Brenda  (K:1032)  
7/13/2009 4:18:19 AM

muy hermosa foto!! realmente me encanta!! te felicito!
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Aungsita  Chatterjee  (K:19843)  
7/13/2009 4:04:26 AM

nice capture........
regards bubai.
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor  
7/8/2009 3:12:22 PM

so very beautiful shot,
finely thought of,and done,
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: George Marks  (K:15437)  
7/3/2009 2:43:32 AM

I'm very pleased to see that we share a set of similar tastes in both the type of photographs we take and in the actual use of film. I recently obtained a Canon EOS Elan II. I'm very pleased with it and will post a few photos in the coming days.
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Libby  Murray  (K:516) Donor  
6/30/2009 3:05:48 PM

Great shot, makes me think my grandmother is looking down on me from the heavens..
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)  
6/25/2009 1:20:37 PM

Thanks so much for the comment. I love photography and I want to be good at what I do so please feel free to comment so I can be better. I plan on going to school soon for photography.
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Hussam AL_ Khoder  (K:79545)  
6/24/2009 9:02:14 AM

This is gorgeous, I love it.
Lovely color and comp.
Great to look at.

Have a nice day.
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)  
6/23/2009 11:52:04 PM

Thanks for the meg. And yes I thought you mite like that one. Thanks for always being there and helping me.
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Libby  Murray  (K:516) Donor  
6/23/2009 4:32:18 PM

Hey girl you knew I would love this one......
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Ali  dewchi  (K:15992)  
6/20/2009 10:01:27 PM

Excellent work
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)

Critique By: Sinem .  (K:9180)  
6/20/2009 11:02:12 AM

Beatiful eyes and baby..Congratulations.
        Photo By: Brandy Raney  (K:126)


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