Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/10/2004 5:45:08 AM
Thanks for your time and the information, Piotr. The orange filter sounds like one I need to have in my bag.
Photo By: Piotr Niewierowicz
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/9/2004 6:40:21 PM
Beautifully done, Roger. Terrific tones.
Photo By: Roger Cotgreave
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/9/2004 8:16:17 AM
Piotr, if I might follow up here, I'd like to ask you about the use of the orange filter. I assume that it is used to increase contrast in b&w photos. It obviously worked perfectly here. How do you decide when to use it? Thanks.
Photo By: Piotr Niewierowicz
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/9/2004 6:00:10 AM
Piotr, this is a very engaging photo. Sharp focus, good depth of field, wonderful toning. The object in the foreground is a bit distracting, but only a little.
Photo By: Piotr Niewierowicz
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/9/2004 5:53:21 AM
Sidney, you've captured a very engaging moment here. As a male viewer, I find my eye is conflicted as to where to settle. My problem, not yours.
Photo By: Sidney Crivelari Ogalla
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/9/2004 5:47:57 AM
Ellen, I would agree with everything Kaj wrote. A simple, lovely photo!
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/9/2004 2:50:11 AM
Martin, this is a wonderfully warm portrait of two beautiful people. Of all the marvelous photos you've taken, this may be the one you treasure the longest.
Photo By: Martin Paul
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 6:59:43 AM
This'll work. Lovely young model with nice pose. Sharp focus where it needs to be. Good color with a highlight on her hair. Well done.
Photo By: anton albert
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 6:49:15 AM
Dubravko, I didn't know you had been in my house. -) Very well done. If photography is all about light, your shot could be used as evidence. I hope you had another way out.
Photo By: Dubravko Grakalic
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 6:29:51 AM
Martin, nice to see you here! Another beautiful scene wonderfully captured! YOu must have done some climbing for this one. You make the viewer want to call his/her travel agent.
Photo By: Martin Paul
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 6:18:18 AM
Very sharp, nicely toned portrait. His eyes pull you into the photo.
Photo By: Czarny Kwadrat
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 6:10:00 AM
Roger, I marvel at people who take shots like this, not just ones like you who do them so well, but anyone with the nerve to do it at all. If I were to walk into a local bar with my 35mm and start clicking away at the customers, I'd likely leave with my lens inserted into a body cavity. How do you manage it without bring along bodyguards?
Photo By: Roger Cotgreave
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 5:12:20 AM
Terrific composition here makes this a very appealing shot. This took good lighting work to make this work. BTW, very clever title.
Photo By: Felipe Rodríguez
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 3:38:22 AM
Well lit and composed shot of a pretty girl. My inclination is to crop out the bottom 'weedy' part, and perhaps turn it into a square format. If you do PS, you might want to then clone out the intruding weeds. All thats of course just my opinion. How you like it is really what matters.
Photo By: Jimmye Brizendine
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 3:32:22 AM
You certainly were in the right place at the right time, and had a great eye for catching the scene. Wonderfully appealing photo.
Photo By: Al S
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 3:29:29 AM
Rebecca, I'd be delighted to have your clouds in a photo of mine. For me, it is a fine line between giving the sky a dramatic feeling and making it look overly manipulated. You're right on here, IMO.
Photo By: Rebecca Raybon
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 3:17:03 AM
Roger, you do have a way of getting the sky to cooperate with you. It really adds a sense of drama here. I also like the top of the tent showing, pointing toward the flame. He looks like he's about to sneeze, which I assume wouldn't be a good thing. BTW, I'm very grateful that your comment on a photo of mine led me to view your portfolio. A wonderful collection of appealing shots. Your ability to master such a broad range of styles is truly impressive. Thanks for sharing.
Photo By: Roger Cotgreave
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 3:09:54 AM
I really like this composition of the fascinating old truck. For me, the washed out sky is a bit of a distraction, although it does give it an old photo look. I think this provides an opportunity to use the Tri-X to take pics of various sections of the truck, focusing on the angles and textures. But good photo here!
Photo By: Michael Holm
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/7/2004 3:02:48 AM
This has a nice color range, and the contrast of the lit building and animals with the foggy background makes the photo very appealing. Nicely done.
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/5/2004 5:35:36 PM
Not sure how you did this, but it sure does get one's attention.
Photo By: RC. Dany
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/5/2004 2:13:34 AM
Wonderfully moody shot! The lighting, under difficult conditions, is right on. As good as the picture is here, my guess is that a print brings out many more of the subtle contrasts of tone and detail.
Photo By: Piotr Niewierowicz
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/5/2004 1:58:07 AM
This is certainly different and interesting! It makes you want to stay and study it a while, which to me is the mark of a good photo. Great capture!
Photo By: Aris Michalopoulos / OsirisiS
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/5/2004 1:50:00 AM
Roger, I'm not usually a fan of combining portraits with landscapes, but this really works for me. The beach just places in context the joy on the faces of the young couple and doesn't compete with them for the viewer's attention. Their naturalness very much adds to the appeal. Good work here!
Photo By: Roger Cotgreave
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/5/2004 1:43:12 AM
Fascinating scene, particularly to those of us not accustomed to seeing mills like this. Wonderful light, and the water leads the eye into the picture. As is normal, the sky is a little washed out, so I might crop it down a bit. But that would get away from your square format, which you may want to keep. Attractive framing. Very good photo.
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/5/2004 1:32:18 AM
A good eye to capture this wonderful scene. Nice range of tones. The photo has a good feel.
Photo By: Gertrud Gozner
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/2/2004 3:20:51 PM
Michael, I'd crop it. But the photo is very nicely composed, and the trees provide a good contrast for the dog (or vice versa). Anyway, very well done shot.
Photo By: Michael Kenny
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/2/2004 4:09:36 AM
This is a very creative, colorful, fun photo. Perfectly cropped and the depth of field leads the eye into the picture.
Photo By: Tim Bowman
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/2/2004 3:08:17 AM
Very natural looking model is appealing. The crop is interesting, and the grain works. Personally, I'm not wild about the frame, but that's a matter of personal taste. Fine work here that you should rightly be proud of.
Photo By: Vladislav Hahn
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/2/2004 2:23:20 AM
I'm struck with how often the sky makes (or breaks) a landscape photo. Here, your timing and your eye turned an ordinary scene into something dramatic and appealing. Good work.
Photo By: Todd Spoth
Critique By:
Doug Berryhill (K:295)
3/2/2004 2:08:45 AM
The lines in the field lead the eye to the house, which contrasts dramatically with the dark sky. With your good eye and perfect timing, you nailed this one!
Photo By: micky waby