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Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/22/2007 10:14:05 PM

Or maybe its withdrawal from not sniffing developer due to this digital age, not the same sniffing pixels, kinda hurt in fact...:-)
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/22/2007 9:38:42 PM

Means alot that I have been dog approved on the name change.

If you can spare some time my portfolio "Every picture tells the story" has the other five in the doggie series, start from the earliest post "Puppy pile" to get the narrative flow. I am testing the waters of doing a book based on these stories I do... the other series is Art Shack but that really would take some time, unless you read fast. If you enjoy my off kilter humor you may not suffer much. Love your website and SFran shots, great part of the world, reading Crack in the Earth about the 1906 quake, seems to be an interesting read. I own a black lab, named Junior and he is featured once in the Every Picture portfolio once. If you have any interest in collaboration on your pet photo work and my writing let me know. email:
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/21/2007 4:37:37 AM

Yen yang maybe Japanese code for homosexuality, hell if I know, I didn't spray paint it.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/18/2007 4:00:17 PM

Dramatic capture and reflection, I would put the couple in total siloulette or darkness, well deserved award.
        Photo By: Cathy Carroll  (K:28144)

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/16/2007 12:33:17 AM

Glad you enjoyed, thanks for the comment.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/15/2007 12:14:51 AM

Just wonderful capture of the late light, another great capture.
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/15/2007 12:02:25 AM

Nice entry in the Newman category. This guy looks like what a imagine a shoe cobbler to look like.
        Photo By: marco diquattro  (K:2357)

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/7/2007 2:34:35 AM

Yeah, I like the darkening and added contrast. My doctor has put me on a low saturation and contrast diet to save me from my over active vivid imagination. And its even helped my burning ring of fire... thought I had forgotten hadn't you?
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/7/2007 2:14:58 AM

That would be more Al Gore gas if you want my honest opinion, with 30" of snow on my deck plus plenty of evidence to debunk big Al's take on global warming (ie that CO2 is the main or only reason), I guess I can't get too worked up with the more pressing issues of modern life. Since I'm on a roll, and weak attempt to be balanced, the US has done a miserable job addressing reducing fossil fuel and gas consumption; course can't have that evil Nuclear energy, that would make too much sense. Glad you liked the photo and felt good to rant.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/6/2007 5:23:19 AM

You've gone California modern art on me, calling Free Willie, calling Free Willie
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174151) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
3/6/2007 5:21:52 AM

Stick a fork in it, its a winner!!
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174151) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
2/28/2007 6:24:20 PM

John: Glad you enjoyed, thanks for the comment.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
2/28/2007 5:22:38 AM

Since you asked I had to go back to my RAW version and yes see it was pretty green I thought I messed with it more than I did. Of course I tweaked the posted version. Here is the untouched original. Thanks for your comments.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
2/24/2007 5:47:25 AM

thanks, how did you find this post... I am glad you like it so much.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
2/23/2007 2:08:46 AM

Looks like something from Middle Earth, is that Frodo playing on the rocks back there?
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174151) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
2/23/2007 2:07:35 AM

Like this one alot, definite change of pace for you, must be the warm locale, has Cartier-Bensson look from the 50 - 60s, nice retro street photo.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
2/3/2007 5:15:15 PM

Great composition, colors and dramatic sky, good work.
        Photo By: Fabian Barreiro  (K:580)

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
2/3/2007 5:06:00 PM

Effective series of shots using the same crop dimensions and doing creative abstracts with orange theme, like it very much. Orange you glad?
        Photo By: Peter De Rycke  (K:41212) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/30/2007 4:26:11 AM

Ok... how did you discover this one... story is my Dad took this by accident taking some other shots, the ol' I push the shutter by accident, but his commercial photographer eye knew he had a beautiful mistake, asks me to post it and sure as heck he gets POD award... see if I ever post another shot for him, hmmmmm Congrats to Len
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/30/2007 4:21:06 AM

a double cool... cool

thanks roby
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/26/2007 1:06:07 AM

She does have the Fiona/Angelina lip thing going for her, my neice who is quite the photo ham.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/26/2007 12:57:46 AM

I know little of the good doctor, a sci-fi british comedy I believe, tell me more.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/23/2007 4:44:44 AM

Thanks for shout out... like your multicolored wall shot... its technocolor crazy!!
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/23/2007 4:43:20 AM

I use PS Elements, what do you mean by tonal separation, even greater contrast? Also this was a color shot I removed color on so that also may be an issue. If I reduced the contrast the elements in the background would start showing up behind the stairs and that would distract from the shot.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/21/2007 6:10:29 AM


I used all the duct tape up to make the strap for my camera, but the sharpie drawn Canon logo really didn't do justice to the duct tape. PBS shows Red here in the states, seemed to me made just for many of us Minnesotians, and heck Red is worse at home projects than I am, gotta love that.
        Photo By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/20/2007 4:46:57 PM

Could almost be an aerial photo of monoliths on Easter Island or Stonehedge like pillars. Very unusual and well captured.
        Photo By: Roland Lacson  (K:12214)

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/18/2007 3:36:37 AM

Nice pattern/texture shot, what curves did you adjust? the ridge line or the distortion using the wide angle?
        Photo By: p e t a .  (K:18700)

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/18/2007 3:34:39 AM

Even better one, awesome. Isn't the Salmon a large river or am I confusing it with another one, or am I just confused. Clearly a winner of a shot.
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174151) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/18/2007 3:31:35 AM

Holy Hoare frost David! beautiful composition did the birdie give a a profile shot, hard to see its face/eyes head on.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Larry Donnelly  (K:644) Donor  
1/18/2007 3:28:02 AM

My kind of shot, well framed and the perfect exposure... wouldn't a little snow add a nice touch, sorry temporary brain freeze.
        Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor  (K:174151) Donor

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