Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
10/9/2008 3:25:10 AM
Wonderful capture of upper Cascades.
Photo By: Paul Harrett
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
10/8/2008 11:34:31 PM
Appreciate the feedback Jim, but I was always a little partial to Trigger myself...LOL... visit again.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
9/25/2008 2:01:01 PM
Better Reagan than Marx my dear boy.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
6/12/2008 2:52:15 AM
Thanks, took a view of your portfolio, high quality stuff, I appreciate your variety and high quality of work. Cheers.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
6/8/2008 6:43:51 AM
Are you having a real cool wet spring like we are, its like blossoms just came off the trees and that usually happens in mid May...who knows about the weather I guess...
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
6/5/2008 5:39:23 PM
Pretty queer comments Carroll, seriously wonderful ps and qs to add to the my one attempt, made me smile thanks.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
6/5/2008 4:51:26 AM
Sven, Thanks for positive feedback.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
6/5/2008 4:08:18 AM
Wonderful shot, put one in the 7 column.
Photo By: Barbara Socor
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
4/12/2008 5:53:50 PM
I thought that be the foot of a middle aged man. Good documentary image and remains us that the world can be a hard place.
Photo By: Bijit Bose
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
3/9/2008 3:56:03 AM
I have moss growing in my belly button does that count as a spring bloom?
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
3/8/2008 1:52:43 AM
Good abstract, nice balance of elements.... bravo
Photo By: Michel Beaupré
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
2/20/2008 4:50:42 AM
When you're hot you're hot... used he liquify tool in Photoshop Elements.. kinda like fingerpainting.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
2/20/2008 12:41:43 AM
Just one mighty wide river, Mississippi tends to be wider than deep and sand banks and little islands like you see here are common. Oh it snows... I would guess there ice on the calmer parts of the river, but the main channel runs fast enough that it is still open... I think this sounds like a photo assignment... Gd questions!!
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
2/9/2008 11:37:28 PM
Thanks for taking time and sharing your enjoyment.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
1/26/2008 4:18:55 PM
Very cool shot...the good and evil contrast contrast of the faces is priceless.
Photo By: 1301307 60
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
1/13/2008 6:27:40 AM
Poorya, thank you for the kind words.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
12/30/2007 6:31:15 AM
Thank you for your comments
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
12/30/2007 2:11:29 AM
Its a winter wonderland this year in MN, thanks for sharing
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
12/12/2007 3:04:58 AM
Thank you for sharing your appreciation, Hussam. Cheers.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
12/8/2007 4:02:09 PM
the composition is superb, the use of emptyness of the calm lake is effective, something about the rock bothered me, and first I thought it was out of focus but I think the colors seem unnatural, try to lower the saturation on the rock and make it "cooler" and it will be nice contrast to the warm colors in the rest of the photo.
Photo By: Barbara Socor
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
12/2/2007 8:12:38 PM
Nicole, I did, I used the treat to keep the pose, and now you know my secret!? He'll do anything for a treat.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
12/2/2007 5:53:27 PM
Hey that looks like a Larry shot, so of course I like it, nice tones and feeling of texture Got about a half foot of snow yesterday, maybe no wimpy winter this year... darn.
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
12/2/2007 5:40:01 PM
How wonderful, I have to explore your portfolio in more depth...
Photo By: Cathy Carroll
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
12/2/2007 5:38:30 PM
Very nice composition, use of white space and unusual shape and overlap are well done. What software do you use to do this?
Photo By: Cathy Carroll
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
12/2/2007 5:36:18 PM
Thank you Bernardo, for your comments, please visit again.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
12/2/2007 5:35:34 PM
Thanks Cathy for the comments, he brushes after every meal so dog breathe is good, but we just can't get him to floss. Have a good day mate.
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
11/29/2007 3:09:50 PM
Your not bad looking yourself.... oh you meant the photo, I get so confused....:)
Photo By: Larry Donnelly
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
11/27/2007 6:39:48 AM
What beauty image, you make me want to see Scotland in person someday, what magical images you capture there.
Photo By: Ian Cameron
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
11/23/2007 4:02:42 PM
Probably not a long wait... got a dusting for Thanksgiving. I like the lone bench shot myself, looks like an oak forest there soon to be blanketed with white, happy Tundra.
Photo By: Dave Stacey
Critique By:
Larry Donnelly (K:644)
11/23/2007 3:56:42 PM
Just north of Greys Bay, plenty of well heeled turkeys in that area.... I live off 101 and Co Rd 6 in Plymouth, almost neighbors.
Photo By: joey s_nburg