Featured Critiques by Photographer
Critique By:
Richard Dakin (K:12915)
5/7/2005 11:44:30 PM
Wow, great shot Carol. I love solitary tree shots, and this one is superb. The composition is well balanced, but it is the lighting that knocks me out. The foreground detail, and the layers at the horizon line, created by the hills are amazing. Did you use any sort of flash on this? On top of it all, your choice to convert this image to B+W was very well considered. All told an outstanding image. I can't imagine changing a single thing.
Photo By: Carol Watson
Critique By:
Richard Dakin (K:12915)
7/30/2004 12:35:33 PM
Great concept, fits the "Blurry Image" project perfectly. Again strong L to R composition. By the way, what is a melotron show??? The only melotron I know of was a musical instrument used in the 70's to simulate parts of the orchestra.
Photo By: emily savva