Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
4/5/2007 5:51:08 PM
really like the outfit and the model...if you could just recreate the aesthetics of a 50-60s photo, then it would be just perfect..
Photo By: Clay Boutin
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
4/3/2007 4:21:47 PM
Great composition, but would have liked it better if there wasn't so much dead space on the lower half, kinda threw my attention away from all that was happening in upper half. Do like the tones though.. abit more post processing can make this an even better image as a whole.
Regards, Patrick
Photo By: Alberto Romano
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
4/11/2006 3:24:45 PM
although i feel her face has been overly exposed, the composition still portrays a powerful message.. great work!
regards, patrick
Photo By: ignacio ayestarán
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
3/12/2006 2:20:38 PM
The miracle of b/w film...excellent tones as well as composition.. worthy to be up in a gallery..
Photo By: Leo Régnier Я£
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
3/8/2006 8:16:10 AM
good work with the lighting...like the overall feel and tone of the capture..
Photo By: Tina baker
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
3/5/2006 12:26:02 PM
Heh, would have preferred the title - 'Damn These Windows!'
Great composition by the way... cheers.
Photo By: peter schickert
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
3/5/2006 12:22:54 PM
Excellent post-processing, the tonal range is great..
Photo By: N M
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
4/7/2005 4:50:24 PM
I like the fact that you didn't try to make the colours more punchy...leaving it more subtle..which really created the great mood this shot brings...well done...
Photo By: Paolo Pagnini
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
3/12/2005 3:39:52 PM
The aperature was really at f22? Must have been a pretty strong strobe that you were using...or is it that i just suck at flash photography? =p
Photo By: Tyler Robbins
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
3/12/2005 3:37:10 PM
Great post processing, nice tones...reminds me of those great old daguerreotypes..
Photo By: David Bircham
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
3/12/2005 3:35:08 PM
Heh, their torch lights look abit like stethoscopes...as if they were mine doctors..heh...Love the poses and expressions, coal mining is as blue collar as you can get..but these guys look like they're proud of what they do..and i love that... great shot! =)
Photo By: arda aydin
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
3/3/2005 6:06:18 AM
Great tones...lighting is great...good job =)
Photo By: Catheryne Negrash
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/27/2005 3:26:01 PM
Great shot! Do you live in Malaysia? if u do...come down to Singapore...let's go shooting together yeah? hehe
Photo By: Kip Cole
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/27/2005 3:23:03 PM
Nice and sharp with splendous tones...i really love these types of portraits...great expression too....well done..great shot Jeroen!
Photo By: Jeroen Krol
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/27/2005 3:16:33 PM
Kinda looks like Boy George...=p Not that it's a bad thing though...i like how you bring out the blue eyes...=)
Photo By: mandy welsh
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/27/2005 3:14:38 PM
Hehe....cute... nice colours...
Photo By: Yuri Bonder
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/27/2005 3:13:15 PM
Great street/still-life shot...love the tones too.. =)
Photo By: Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/27/2005 2:51:55 PM
Hey, nicely done shot..i love the composition. You titled this shot as 'Come to Egypt', and by looking closely at the shot i can figure out why. At first glance, the shot didn't seem to tie in with the title. However, after awhile i notice that the grills or blinds play a big part in the title of this shot, as they hide part of the scenery, giving a sense of mystery, as if you were on a boat on the river peeking out, urging you to actually visit Egypt to experience it yourself...If the blinds weren't there, many would have just passed this same shot as a normal dull landscape which wouldn't really associate with Egypt (no sign of pyramids, sphinx, sand dunes, you know, the stereotype landscape shots of Egypt =P). So the blinds really play a big part...
Furthermore, the juxtaposition of an acient form of transportation for the egyptians with modern infrastructure like the bridge and the buildings with the ad signs on them tells me that Egypt, although rooted deeply in its own history (the boat) is at the same time progressed with the present... (in my opinion anyways..=p)
This shot told me more about present day Egypt than any picture of pyramids, or any stereotypical shot of what Egypt is. Excellently framed, although the composition could have been improved (even if you did't really mean for it to turn out this way =p)... gives new meaning to "a picture speaks a thousand words"....
Photo By: Khaled Mursi Hammoud
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/27/2005 2:21:09 PM
ARghhhh i wanna slap you for capturing such a nice shot! arghhh...hahahah =p
Photo By: Felipe Aguillar
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/27/2005 1:59:18 PM
the colours are popping out from my screen!!! super colours...=)
Photo By: Kosmas Lazaridis
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/27/2005 1:57:52 PM
Cute title for the shot..hahaha
Photo By: Gerry Pacher
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/22/2005 10:54:29 AM
Thanks for your comments alastair... well the tokina lenses in general gives u alot of bang for your buck considering the only good wide angle glass u can get are the money burning Ls from canon and the AFSs from nikon...
But just like any thrid party lens, when wide open, the tokina gets really really soft..even in the smaller aperature ranges like f5.6-8... However, that wouldn't really bug me out when taking landscapes..just need some USM in photoshp. All in all, pretty good glass for the money and would recommned it for general super wide shots.
Photo By: Patryk Lau
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
2/7/2005 2:06:45 PM
Heh.. Eunos is the name of a place in Singapore..
Photo By: Scott King
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
1/28/2005 3:47:13 AM
Great lighting and control of DOF....
Photo By: Tanya Kaaa
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
1/27/2005 1:42:47 AM
Interesting composition, i don't really know what you're trying to portray... but it looks more like she's..dead... =p take it as a compliment though.. =)
Photo By: Shelley Weber
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
1/27/2005 1:42:47 AM
Interesting composition, i don't really know what you're trying to portray... but it looks more like she's..dead... =p take it as a compliment though.. =)
Photo By: Shelley Weber
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
1/20/2005 1:26:56 PM
Nice work to get the colors...print it out, frame it and hang it on a wall...wonderful...
Photo By: Dandi Zulkarnain
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
9/9/2004 6:49:39 AM
Great shot!
Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
7/31/2004 10:53:28 AM
Great moment captured!
Photo By: Mohamed Kamal
Critique By:
Patryk Lau (K:321)
7/26/2004 8:17:07 AM
Excellent portrait Pat
Photo By: Pat Fruen