Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
3/16/2010 4:45:07 PM
See? I was afraid we were going to leave without a single decent photo.
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/13/2008 7:43:50 PM
Ah yes, this past winter was brutal! (and only my 2nd winter in Ottawa)
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/13/2008 7:43:21 PM
hahaha yellow snow :)
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/13/2008 7:42:58 PM
thank you
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/13/2008 7:42:50 PM
thank you
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/13/2008 7:42:20 PM
Haha, yeah, I have been uploading a lot but that's because 1) I actually have pictures to upload. and 2) I put Usefilm in my Firefox bookmarks bar. (do you know what I'm talking about?) So whenever I open my browser, I see "UPLOAD TO USEFILM!!!!" on the left. lol
I should be uploading every day for the next 2 months. I have a ton of pictures. :)
p.s. Thanks for the info about Karaoke. I will pass it on to my best friend who got me into it.
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/13/2008 6:50:31 PM
I love the bright colours in this photo and the contrast with the background. Lovely. :)
Photo By: Jen van Wijn
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/13/2008 6:49:27 PM
I love shots like this, with the expansive skies. It makes the view seem so endless and infinite.
Photo By: John Finn
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/13/2008 6:48:40 PM
I love how sharp this is and the background contrast to the rocks. Gorgeous.
Photo By: John Finn
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/13/2008 6:48:13 PM
wow this is absolutely beautiful! I am dying to visit Ireland.
Photo By: John Finn
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/6/2008 4:58:24 AM
Wow, I would have never guessed this is Hamilton! I love Ontario. hehe 7/7
Photo By: Andrzej Pradzynski
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
5/5/2008 4:07:48 AM
Cute picture! :)
Photo By: Serge Moscow
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
2/18/2008 3:58:40 AM
Ah yes, I'll edit that out for my portfolio. Thanks!
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
2/18/2008 3:57:09 AM
Hmm, if it's dark it's probably my fault for editing with my laptop sitting on my lap. (ie not flat) hahaha
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
2/18/2008 3:56:29 AM
Hmm, I'll remember the reflections next time.
My dad and his girlfriend got married.
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
2/18/2008 3:54:43 AM
The lighting is all natural. I must admit, even though it was a small room the lighting was amazing!
The sand ceremony was the six coloured sands coming together, each one symbolizing my dad and my step-mother, her three sons, and me, coming together once my dad and her were married.
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
2/18/2008 3:52:11 AM
Thanks Doyle. I think it's a cute shot too. :)
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
2/18/2008 3:51:28 AM
Thanks Edward!
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
2/18/2008 3:51:14 AM
School's going... I left my program because I wasn't enjoying it anymore and started a part-time certificate in something else, so I've spent the last couple months sorting that all out. I'm mostly settled now, except that I still need to take an exam to get into my program of choice, Food and Nutrition Management, and that will mean another move in September or January. (yuck)
So yeah, life's been keeping me busy school-wise!
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
10/12/2007 3:02:12 PM
I LOVE THIS! Going into my favourites...
Photo By: Stan Ciszek
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
9/20/2007 6:43:36 AM
haha I don't know and I'm not sure I want to know! =P
Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
9/17/2007 4:50:18 AM
Or this one.
Photo By: Carlen Boersema
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
9/16/2007 5:47:07 PM
Very nice. I like the symmetry and the fog on the water.
Photo By: Gene Zonis
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
9/15/2007 6:30:42 PM
Wow, this is absolutely gorgeous...
Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
9/15/2007 6:29:26 PM
Hey Michele, how are you? I hope you had a good time on your photography trip. Well I am off to go take a look at all your new photos.
Photo By: Michele Carlsen
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
9/15/2007 6:28:34 PM
Ahh, this is lovely!
Photo By: Robin W
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
9/15/2007 6:27:15 PM
hahaha I hope this is just a typo and not a sign of things to come!
Photo By: Robin W
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
9/15/2007 6:26:35 PM
Lol Doyle, I love your sense of humour. =P
Photo By: Doyle D. Chastain
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
9/15/2007 6:24:55 PM
Wow, he's so tiny! Excellent capture!
Photo By: Kara BigCanoe
Critique By:
Carlen Boersema (K:6789)
9/15/2007 6:24:12 PM
Uh oh, missed the nuts and bit your finger? lol
The hand is a little overexposed, but you could easily correct that if you have a photo editing program. Make a special selection around the hand and then you can play around with the brightness/contrast etc.
The squirrel is very sharp, though!
Photo By: Kara BigCanoe