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Critiques From Ray Witter

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Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
4/10/2005 3:49:40 AM

Glad to see you keeping up the good work, this is a great intimate portrait. Great lighting, and excellent composition, the only suggestion I might have is to crop it a little to get rid of the bright window light in the upper left hand corner. Let me know what you think.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Sandra Esher  (K:3)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/13/2005 5:21:31 AM

Great image, the castle has wonder suble warm brown and green tones, composition is good, and detail is great. Something about that red fire plug (or what ever it is) in the lower right hand corner, it seems to disturb the whole compostition and distract the eye. Took the liberty of calling the fire dept. and having them come out and remove it. Let me know what you think.
Ray W.
        Photo By: cecilia tovini  (K:29423)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/13/2005 5:05:26 AM

I'll try again on the image, didn't load first time.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/13/2005 5:03:35 AM

Great capture, good detail, and a you got him looking right at you, good color in the squirrel but I think the background is a bit bright and distracts from the critter. Took the liberty to tone it down a bit. Let me know what you think.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Dave Stacey  (K:150877) Donor

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/13/2005 4:47:02 AM

Excellent Macro capture, great detail and color, the background seems ok, the cool blues on the right contrasts nicely with the yellow of the parrots head.
Good Work!!
Ray W.
        Photo By: Adriane Chernus  (K:880)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/12/2005 12:42:10 AM

Excellent Macro image, great color and composition.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Damian Moksa  (K:75)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/11/2005 9:57:36 PM

Both this image and your earlier one entitled "Big Flower" are excellent color compositions with good detail and great colors. However, they both have overexposed highlights, sometimes called "blown out", this is not the fault of the camera, but because you probably took the images in bright sunlight. The problem is one of dynamic range, i.e. the difference between the brightest part of the image and darkest exceeded the capability which the ccd chip in your camera could record (same thing happens with film by the way). When taking photos in these conditions, you have to choose between exposing the highlights correctly and losing detail in the shadows, or retaining detail in the shadows and blowing out the highlights, neither of which is the optium choice. One solution is to take the photos when the difference between the brighest part of the subject and darkest is not so great. This can be done by taking the photo on an overcast or foggy day, taking it when the entire subject is in shadow, or taking it just before or after sunset or sunrise when the light is better. Bright midday sunlight is usually just about the worst conditions to shoot color in, if you want to retain detail throughout the image. You might try to reshoot these images under several of the above conditions and see the difference.
Keep up the good work and take lots of photos.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Sandra Esher  (K:3)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/11/2005 9:35:11 PM

This is a great lighthouse image, the contrast between the cool blue of the sky and the warm browns and oranges of the lighthouse really provide color impact. Great detail too.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Paul Edwards  (K:250)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/10/2005 11:46:20 PM

great capture, did he just hold still or was he frozen in place, looks very cold, sometimes it amazes me how birds are able to tolerate such cold weather. Great detail and color.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Ted vandenBergh  (K:5119)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/10/2005 11:41:38 PM

Great composition, the bright colors of the boat against the almost monochrome sky and water really keep the interest on the boat, the reflection of the boat in the water alson adds another point of interest and provide a sense of depth to the image.

Ray W.
        Photo By: Manuel Ventura  (K:746)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/10/2005 10:42:22 PM

Great capture, Excellent detail and color.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/10/2005 10:40:15 PM

Great warm moody image.
Ray W.
        Photo By: lyne edeson  (K:107)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/10/2005 10:39:33 PM

Great image, love the color contrast between the blues and greens of the water, and the oranges and yellows in the breakwater, lighthouse and sky. Detail is also excellent.
Ray W.
        Photo By: lyne edeson  (K:107)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/10/2005 10:37:32 PM

excellent portrait, her eyes are absolutly haunting, and the pose is great, her right hand seems to be a little blown out though, perhaps you could tone it down a little. As it is, the brightness of it draws attention away from her face. I noticed that you hace just started posting to UseFilm, Welcome, if what I see in your portfoilo is typical, I want to see more of your stuff.
Ray W.
        Photo By: lyne edeson  (K:107)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/10/2005 10:31:50 PM

This is an excellent composition, The smooth green hills and the dramatic sky really make for an excellent image, but the addition of the single tree on the hilltop adds a strong point of interest.
Excellent Work!!
Ray W.
        Photo By: KEVIN TEMPLE  (K:8657) Donor

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/10/2005 10:29:29 PM

Great cool landscape image, the lines of the fences draw the viewer's eyes into the image.
Good Work!!
Ray W.
        Photo By: panos adams  (K:170)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/10/2005 1:23:53 PM

This is an excellent composition, The soft muted colors and the plant encrusted with the ice make a great classic composition, and the choice of background color enhances the entire effect.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Yuri Bonder  (K:268)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/9/2005 2:06:40 PM

This is a stunning portrait, Excellent color and detail.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Yegor Mandra  (K:196)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/9/2005 4:44:55 AM

Great owl image, well composed, detailed and colorful, the background being out of focus puts all of the attention on the owl and the green cactus provides a nice color contrast with the gray owl.
Excellent Work!!
Ray W.
        Photo By: Christian  Aigner  (K:30)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/9/2005 4:42:58 AM

This is great, well composed, colorful, and gives us some idea of the city. I noticed you have just started posting to UseFilm, Welcome!!
If this and your owl image are typical examples of your work, I can't wait to see more.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Christian  Aigner  (K:30)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/9/2005 4:39:15 AM

truly a sight one would not expect to see, usually snow is seen against blues, greens and grays, this really grabs the eye. Is that really a Josha tree or am I mistaken.
Great Work!!
Ray W
        Photo By: John Loreaux  (K:86210)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/9/2005 4:35:32 AM

I think is a really excellent portrait.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Robert Staeck  (K:919)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/9/2005 4:34:20 AM

Nice Macro!!
        Photo By: Gilberto Santa Rosa  (K:11147)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/9/2005 4:06:56 AM

        Photo By: D. Green  (K:104)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/8/2005 7:17:39 AM

Great composition, the wooden pathway leads the viewers eye up to the mill. The colors are great, the warm toned hillside contrasting nicely with the blues and greens in the water, and then one realizes how great the reflections are.
Excellent Work,
Ray W.
        Photo By: Roger Williams  (K:86139) Donor

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/8/2005 6:54:27 AM

What's he smoking anyway? He looks a little spaced out to me. Great humorous capature, excellent and detail too.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Gary Flynn  (K:258)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/8/2005 6:44:51 AM

Great warm colors and the shapes and lines really create a great composition, makes one reminiscence on times gone past.
Ray W.
        Photo By: Michael Holm  (K:7931)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/8/2005 6:42:00 AM

Great color and detail
        Photo By: Peter Daniel  (K:33866)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/8/2005 4:40:31 AM

Great image, sense of mood is overpowering, one feels like they are there.
Great Work!!
Ray W.
        Photo By: Aidin Niamir  (K:209)

Critique By: Ray Witter  (K:6149)  
3/8/2005 3:45:05 AM

Great capture, this young man looks so intent and serious about what he is doing. The background being out of focus tends to emphize the main figure and the colors are wonderful.
Just some random thoughts,
Ray W.
        Photo By: Stephen Morgan  (K:585)

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