Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
2/10/2004 2:47:41 PM
Very nice colors and mood!
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
2/8/2004 5:19:36 PM
Beril Yarkin
Scary? It's kust a post office. How about this view? too bad about all the wires....
Photo By: Edward Oest
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
2/8/2004 2:19:54 PM
Nice classic image with great expression
Photo By: Danish Abadi
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
2/8/2004 2:12:05 PM
Nice Light
Photo By: giovanni bruno
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
2/1/2004 4:43:49 AM
Nice Panorama and colors (BW one also) I bet there is a lot of detail in this.
Photo By: Danish Abadi
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
1/18/2004 6:00:34 PM
Good Mood!
Photo By: Simona Alexe
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
1/14/2004 4:43:26 PM
Wow! This is a great composition with great lighting. I'm sure we have all seen hundreds of shots of the GGB but never from this perspective.
Photo By: Jim Goldstein
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
1/11/2004 5:30:31 AM
This is great!. What imagination...
Photo By: krishan .h
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
1/3/2004 11:57:56 AM
Cool lighting! Nice composition. You have immagination. How do you compute exposure?
Photo By: Barry Walthall
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
1/2/2004 7:27:37 PM
Roger, I can't believe this is any better (see attached). There is so much "less" there. The image has 0.242% of the original pixels - 99.6 percent of the pixels are gone.
Photo By: Edward Oest
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
1/2/2004 3:06:52 PM
Nice use of color and arrangement. Reminds me of 1970's wall art.
Photo By: MEmar ME
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
1/1/2004 4:44:46 PM
Well done. Te muted colors work very well. Leave out border.
Critique By:
Edward Oest (K:192)
12/30/2003 3:57:44 PM
I full size image would be hard to post. I've made a couple of prints on cotton rag paper. They are 43" w x 12" as that is the limit of my printer. Had to use quadtone inks...
Photo By: Edward Oest