Critique By:
ati metwaly (K:1378)
10/27/2003 1:31:08 AM
see also Khoi Nguyen's photo.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Amancio Couto (K:15720)
10/27/2003 12:35:53 AM
Excellent shot!!!
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
ati metwaly (K:1378)
10/27/2003 12:34:11 AM
Jenny Brown have done many remarks that I have learnt from as well. Anyway I still love the photo. Lovely kid. Regards.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Yutaka Itinose (K:22586)
10/27/2003 12:14:58 AM
Oh! Nice! Nice! Nice!
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Lorenzo Parisi (K:6277)
10/27/2003 12:05:52 AM
Very nice photo! Congrats! Lorenzo
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Marianne Gordon (K:507)
10/26/2003 11:40:06 PM
Dear Jenny, thanks for taking the time to teach me a few things! Unfortunely even though I had planned for the shot I thought the dress color looked ALOT different when I put it one her- maybe I was colorblind that morning. You are right, I will try this again with a more neutral colored outfit. Thanks for all the helpful points!!!
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Jenny Brown (K:2859)
10/26/2003 11:04:13 PM
There are several things you might do to help the lighting.
1) Come back on a cloudy day or wait for a cloud to cover the sun - this will reduce the contrast and glare and make it much easier to see things right. This is your best option when circumstances allow.
2) Use some fill flash - this means make sure your camera uses flash even in the middle of the bright day. You may have to specifically tell it to stay on. This will add some light to the shadow areas, reduce the contrast, and make it more balanced with the sun.
Your problem isn't really too much light from the sun, the problem is too much contrast. The darks are really dark and the brights are really bright, and that's too far apart for your film/paper/digital image/whatever. You can't control the sun itself, but you can put extra light in the dark areas so they aren't quite as dark, and then the whole picture will be more balanced and less glaring.
Additionally, if you had any choice in the girl's clothes, try something deep blue or light white or tan or gray or some neutral color; pink and orange are an unfortunate combination. Not sure if this was set up ahead of time or not though.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Gerhard F (K:2820)
10/26/2003 10:52:36 PM
Hi Marianne I like the photo as it is and wouldn't change anything - rather would I say the red lips make it special (10 people 10 opinions)
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Gerhard F (K:2820)
10/26/2003 10:48:47 PM
lovely lady - great photo! congr.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Marianne Gordon (K:507)
10/26/2003 4:12:28 PM
i just want to comment- that i "masked" the lips" and desaturated the rest of the photo - I did not enhance any color. I am new at this- but wouldnt that mean the lips ARE The natural color? I will upload the original color/w flash image and you can judge for yourself. Thanks, Marianne
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
ati metwaly (K:1378)
10/26/2003 1:02:08 PM
beautiful capture but here again see Daniel Schmidtka's photograph of a boy few steps after you. Daniel decided to remove Photoshop effect from eyes and he did a right thing. why not keeping lips of this gorgeous girl just natural?...
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Vicki Bentley (K:5080)
10/25/2003 6:28:39 PM
Marianne, This is a lovely portrait of this baby. Good lighting and contrast, and showing her at peace. Desaturating is good, but I think I would have done more to her lips. Also, I think maybe if you look at it totally without color, you would be pleased with the results. I hope you gave a print to her Mother, as I am sure she would treasure this wonderful capture. Regards.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
xy x (K:41915)
10/24/2003 6:26:18 PM
very beautiful macro, congrats
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia (K:96391)
10/24/2003 6:20:55 PM
wonderful.in my favorites.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia (K:96391)
10/24/2003 6:20:01 PM
very sweet image.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia (K:96391)
10/24/2003 6:05:55 PM
simply awesome beauty.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Donna Devine (K:2885)
10/1/2003 5:49:00 AM
A priceless image! This little gal has 'attitude', and was not a happy camper at the time of shooting. (-: Suggestion: If you use photoshop, blur the background.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Louise Smith (K:157)
8/18/2003 5:28:03 PM
I love the soft feel of this shot. Nicely done.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
v m (K:2014)
8/18/2003 4:57:39 PM
Beatiful model and photo! Great tones and composition.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Mark Beltran (K:32612)
8/13/2003 12:04:50 AM
I remember those days!
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Alan Orr (K:9671)
8/12/2003 8:35:43 PM
Great timing. This shot has to bring a smile to your face. Congratulations on a beautiful daughter.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Matej Maceas (K:24381)
6/24/2003 3:12:04 AM
Good work on the metal leg, Marianne, and thanks for the rotation :-)
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Gregory McLemore (K:35129)
6/23/2003 8:05:35 PM
An excellent Kodak moment, you captured well.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Marianne Gordon (K:507)
6/23/2003 1:53:55 PM
Dear Matej, thank you for your comments, I too- am bugged by the metal leg- i thought of trying to erase it in photoshop and here is the result!I also rotated it for you , but I like it better the other way- maybe I am "off-kilter" . :-) Thanks so much, Marianne
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Matej Maceas (K:24381)
6/23/2003 12:49:47 PM
A lovely, emotional photo. I find it a bit unnatural looking at them at this angle, I'm very much inclined to tilt my head. Maybe you could try rotating the photo 90 degrees clockwise; it wouldn't be the original take, but it would let me appreciate both their expressions.
The lighting you have here is very good. Initially I thought a bit more contrast wouldn't hurt, but looking at it longer I believe it's quite good enough as it is. The catchlights in their eyes are wonderful, and it's a good thing that there aren't any unwanted reflections in the man's glasses. Excellent job with the light.
The metal leg is disturbing as it seems to be growing out of the man's chest. I realise that the strength of the capture lies elsewhere, but still things like this are good to watch out for as they can ruin an otherwise perfect photograph.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Marília Ferraz (K:15244)
6/23/2003 11:34:21 AM
Marianne, she is everybody little girl. So, so beautiful. Both must be very proud. I wonder what is her name...
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Andreas Wolkerstorfer (K:5090)
6/19/2003 2:31:18 PM
I enjoyed it
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Wood Williams (K:63)
6/19/2003 10:38:54 AM
Excellent Shot. A precious moment of maternal bonding. 100% Captivating.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Luis Costa - Lucaz (K:9205)
6/19/2003 9:27:50 AM
Very nice photo, regards!
Photo By: Marianne Gordon
Critique By:
Reda Danaf (K:14309)
6/19/2003 9:21:55 AM
What a lovely capture, full of emotions.
Photo By: Marianne Gordon