Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/9/2003 2:53:47 PM
A good eye for contrasting colours and excellent composition. This photo caught my eye
Photo By: Ingrid Mathews
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/9/2003 1:18:55 AM
Photo By: Darrin James
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/9/2003 12:02:57 AM
nice eye shot. well done
Photo By: Cordoba León
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 8:56:44 PM
A nice concept, and quite well exposed
Perhaps a little too much foreground. The black 1/4 of the screen at the bottom detracts, for my money
This image as is could be cropped, and would work well.
Otherwise a lovely image.
Photo By: anique williams
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 7:29:21 PM
I very much like the photo, and especially exposure
However it looks just a tiny bit out of balance. Obviously quite a symmetrical scene, but the tree on the right throws it out a bit. A Moving a bit more to the right and taking a straight on shot (as James Pratt suggested) may just improve the balance.
Personally I generally don't like central, straight on shots, but in an obviously symmetrcial scene such as this, it would probably work better.
It is a great shot, one I would be proud of, and doubt that I would've done any better. I hope you accept my "benefit of hindsight" comments!
Photo By: T Glow
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 6:13:57 PM
Excellent shot. Eyes shots work really well, and this one is especially compelling.
Photo By: Espen Rekdal
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 6:12:07 PM
Nice composition - leading lines from left to right draw the eye through the key aspects of the image.
Photo By: Robert Gaither
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 5:51:53 PM
Lovely composition with good leading lines. Nice mix of rich blue and green. Well exposed
Photo By: Witold Wolak
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 5:47:54 PM
Great shot with good impact and lighting. Sunburst is just in the right place
Photo By: Melissa Milligan
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 5:35:25 PM
Thanks for that Jim
Will do.
Photo By: Des Paroz
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 5:32:28 PM
"Butt shots" are often hard to pull off, but this one is excellent
I particularly like the use of leading lines - the beak and the pier
Well done
Photo By: Jim F
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 5:30:30 PM
Well composed with strong elements on the left, and subtle on the right. The natural way for the eye "to read"
Photo By: Tanya Clark
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 5:19:34 PM
A nice shot, which expresses a feeling that is uniquely Hong Kong (one of my favourite cities).
Lighting is perfect, and the focus is great
You may consider cropping the wave in the bottom left of the scene -its the only distraction.
Photo By: Phillip Cohen
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 5:02:31 PM
A lovely photo with fine texture and good lighting.
The eyes really appeal, and urge the viewer to find out more about your model.
Really speaks loudly.
Photo By: Carlos Schmidt
Critique By:
Des Paroz (K:422)
5/8/2003 4:42:56 PM
Hi Espen
Visited this (and joined Usefilm.com) after reading your posting on the UW Photo mailing list.
Great photo, and really exhibits the point being made.
Photo By: Espen Rekdal