Critique By:
Zé Ovo (K:7579)
10/26/2005 2:09:30 AM
perfect capture! regards from Brazil!
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Jim Budrakey (K:24393)
10/9/2005 4:53:37 AM
If I told you once, I told you a million times, don't exagerate :-) Nice capture - I really like the colors. He sort of looks indignant that you actually got him. Good work.
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Ceceilia Robinson (K:1023)
10/9/2005 4:30:41 AM
I love bird photography but they can be difficult to capture as are pets. You did terrific job and your patience paid off. Ceceilia
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Efrain Morales (K:1684)
10/9/2005 3:39:38 AM
congrats for your portrait! next time work with kids, they are easier to shot! hehe
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
s s (K:-413)
9/25/2005 1:29:41 AM
cool shot
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Kasia Koltunska (K:5825)
9/25/2005 1:14:29 AM
Water does look a bitty murky. There's a number of wrecks around Vancouver, but I'll stick to the nice, warm and clear tropical waters rather than the cold pacific. Great shot though. It turned out real neat.
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Mohsen Bayramnejad (K:21377)
9/25/2005 12:48:17 AM
Excellent abstract shot...really creative angle for view and great composition...Love it!+7!
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Pat Fruen (K:12076)
9/23/2005 2:21:02 AM
Great addition to the project...so dynamic!
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Dominic Daigle (K:641)
3/31/2005 11:30:57 PM
Cool Hot pics, like in horror movies Nice composition
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
April . (K:4832)
3/31/2005 11:22:48 PM
this is amazing!! congrats..
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Jess Oliver (K:3)
9/25/2003 3:28:21 PM
Hey dude!! Sweet pic!! Wish I could do stuff like that. COME TO ORILLIA ONCE IN A BLUE MOON!!! Take it easy, Jess O.
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Ronald Allen (K:2934)
9/18/2003 7:36:19 PM
nate -
i love this one man - very powerful. to my favorites. beautifully composed and nice color choice...
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Jani Salvataggio (K:27283)
8/20/2003 2:24:22 AM
i like it!!! 7
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Marcio Cabral (K:12496)
5/20/2003 8:35:23 PM
Very nice pic Nathan! regards!
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia (K:96391)
5/19/2003 9:44:59 PM
great composition.nice day.nacho
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Elin M (K:842)
5/19/2003 9:35:01 PM
This a picture with a great thought behind, yet, the brightness can seem to be a little bit overdone. A white t-shirt is not maybe the best when the light is hard. Othervise, this is a good picture with very much potential.
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Ben Rasmussen (K:2130)
5/19/2003 9:13:10 PM
would be better not to have the window frame the sexy person inside as much.
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Jason Henske (K:1822)
5/19/2003 9:01:27 PM
Good composition and feeling. Please check out my portfolio
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Jamie Haggett (K:694)
5/19/2003 8:59:24 PM
I think this has a good emotional appeal. I'm assuming blue for a cold defeated type of mood you are trying to create. I think this is a good shot.
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Branislav Fabijanich (K:5453)
5/15/2003 9:54:19 AM
Very nice photo. Excellent idea!
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Ronald Allen (K:2934)
5/15/2003 7:19:30 AM
oops! meant to say "eliminated negative space" in my last comment...
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Andre Cajot (K:7793)
5/14/2003 11:14:49 PM
This is more than a simple photo Nathan, it is an artistic creation. In this photo, everything is maybe made on purpose, to communicate. And I don't know what you had in mind. So, I can't evaluate. IMO, when you submit artistic works, it is better to give some comments about what you wanted to realize. N.B. : the title gives an idea, and with this little idea, I feel that your photo communicates well.
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Nathan Wilkinson (K:394)
5/14/2003 9:22:30 PM
thank you for your helpful comments. I knew his body was a little bit too light, i thought it would have helped ephasize the light/darkness. maybe next time... as I said, i am only just beginning. thanks for the encouragement.
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Jim F (K:8859)
5/12/2003 11:18:47 PM
great concept, and I also agree the it is a bit washed out and over exposed. I think you should try the same shot with a softer light.
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Yvon Loyer (K:1449)
5/12/2003 10:30:20 PM
Welcome to usefilm Nathan! its a good beginning...
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Nando Mondino (K:14261)
5/12/2003 11:43:53 AM
Great lighting, nice composition!
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Ronald Allen (K:2934)
5/10/2003 7:42:28 AM
dramatic shadow, nate. i have done work using similar lighting in my studio and have gotten some great results, so keep experimenting. i agree with everyone, the image is overexposed (and if that's what you were going for, it didn't work for the best interest of the piece. i would like to see the photo less centered, or as mr french would probably say, implement positive use of negative space when doing a dramatic, intense (and tense) piece. this one is too centered, which eliminates positive space. helping us become better photographers,
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Ben Rasmussen (K:2130)
5/9/2003 6:33:14 AM
its the nippleless man!!! great idea and i love the shaddow, though you might have wanted to get the top of it as well. and the body is a bit to over exposed. but a good start  ben
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
Hayri CALISKAN (K:16195)
5/9/2003 6:31:21 AM
Very interestin image.
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson
Critique By:
keon kim (K:816)
5/8/2003 11:16:33 PM
Photo By: Nathan Wilkinson