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Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/12/2004 9:57:29 PM

If it was too sentimental for you then don't comment on it. THank you.
        Photo By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/11/2004 2:14:37 AM

Soft focus....I will post it without too...I did the filter on the computer, but would like to try more with filters and not on the computer.
        Photo By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/11/2004 1:57:22 AM

Awesome perspective on this one.
        Photo By: MP Bullegon Andrade  (K:195)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/8/2004 12:47:56 AM

Very precious photo of this little one! I might would have leaned up just a little and got more of a shot looking down, but this works well too!
        Photo By: Vince Cianci  (K:2505)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/5/2004 4:55:40 AM

What a nice homey feel to this. Like it. WOuld like it more with people in it too. :-)
        Photo By: Paul Newberry  (K:276)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/5/2004 4:52:49 AM

What a precious, touching photo.
        Photo By: Tiffany Jill  (K:236)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/5/2004 4:51:42 AM

This has to be one of the most awesome photos I have seen in awhile. Awesome catch.
        Photo By: Ed Tardy  (K:-6)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/5/2004 4:35:19 AM

Here is a try on the black and white, but I have to say I like the color a little better.
        Photo By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/4/2004 1:42:51 AM

I tried one with a softened look too.
        Photo By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/4/2004 12:54:10 AM

Sad ole' story that I know a lot about up here in Pennsylvania too. What a great building to shoot. Getting some different angles might be interesting too, but I'm sure you've done that already. You picked the perfect day to shoot it too, I think.
        Photo By: Chuck Freeman  (K:13616)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/1/2004 3:42:25 AM

The perspective on this is really great. I love how you are looking up at the violin. It would be great to tone down the white spot on his head, which could distract from the photo. But still, I think this is a really ingenious angle to take on this photo.
        Photo By: Claudio Gonzalez  (K:113)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/1/2004 3:34:31 AM

I think I would have taken their photo more from the side which would have removed everyone behind them. Here is an example of what I mean. But of course, it may not have worked in this particular situation. I still like your focus very much.
        Photo By: BILL MAHLER  (K:5882) Donor

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/1/2004 1:03:47 AM

Really great photo. I love the lighting. I'm wondering if it was touched up in any way.
        Photo By: Arthur Yeo  (K:890)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
6/1/2004 12:59:29 AM

Don, that looks so much better. Thank you so much for the work on it. I should have done a little more of that myself before posting it. I was just so enamored, I guess you might say, with the man's solemn and intense expression I didn't think that far ahead and do what I should have with the photo.
        Photo By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/30/2004 3:13:08 AM

Your critiques of my photography are much appreciated. I love looking at your work and hope I can learn more from it. THank you. Critiques can be as rough as they need to be as long as I learn.
        Photo By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/30/2004 3:04:55 AM

Photo looks a little grainy here, but I like the angle,the composition and the lighting. Nice capture. It also reminded me I was supposed to take photos of a band tonight and totally forgot to do it! Ugh! Anyhow good shot and it gave me some ideas if I do ever remember to go take their photos!
        Photo By: Al S  (K:5131)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/30/2004 3:02:38 AM

Cool shot. Love the way your looking upwards
        Photo By: Jeroen Krol  (K:3085)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/30/2004 2:55:12 AM

I enjoy your other photos where you can see the mom and dad. Yes, though, the camera does love this adorable little guy!
        Photo By: mandy welsh  (K:3146)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/30/2004 2:51:38 AM

Beautiful lighting and very nice colors indeed. The composition is very nice, though I might would have widened it even more.
        Photo By: Rachelle Biggs  (K:628)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/29/2004 3:39:53 AM

Good idea, I think, to focus in on this one guy, but I might would have gotten even closer and used a higher speed film for crispness sake.
        Photo By: Ed Rhodes  (K:1113)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/29/2004 3:21:04 AM

Absolutely gorgeous photo. Just gorgeous and perfect -- almost. It' moving and lovely. I almost wish dad's head wasn't as blurred as it is, but it brings the focus right down to the little one. Congratulations to John and Lisa! yeah!
        Photo By: mandy welsh  (K:3146)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/9/2004 5:39:23 AM

I've been looking through some old posts. Thank you all for responses. I really need the critiques as I have to take photos for a small town newspaper and simply enjoy photography so thank you!
        Photo By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/9/2004 4:53:56 AM

It is too bad the kit is cut off but it is pretty cool he's up in the air. I wish we could see the kids face too.
        Photo By: Rachelle Biggs  (K:628)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/9/2004 4:45:25 AM

Awesome intense look on this kids' face. Too bad there isn't more action here, but man.. this is a great crisp, bright shot.
        Photo By: Rachelle Biggs  (K:628)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
5/9/2004 4:38:35 AM

Very strong action shot here. Love how he is coming back for the pitch. For some reason the board is kind of distracting, but I guess that really could be helped because of where he is. The lighting is great too.
        Photo By: Rachelle Biggs  (K:628)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
3/4/2004 2:05:14 PM

Great news shot.
        Photo By: Sonny Lewis  (K:218)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
2/4/2004 11:24:17 AM

Well, she's not but Jesus is.

She's not the Savior people, he is.

But I still like the photo and the reflections are cool.
        Photo By: JP Zorn  (K:533)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
2/3/2004 9:15:30 AM

Beautiful cat. Too bad you couldn't have gotten it without the lady in the background as she distracts just a little bit. I still like it and the way the sun falls around the cat. I also like the grainy film. Nice capture!
        Photo By: David Mongeau-Petitpas  (K:2068)

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
2/3/2004 9:14:02 AM

Precious photo! Sometimes you have to grab them when you can when they are that small!
        Photo By: Ingrid Mathews  (K:7277) Donor

Critique By: Renee Robinson  (K:2112)  
2/3/2004 9:06:31 AM

Is hard to do......

Sorry, finishing the thought there.

It was how I felt as a teenager and in fact, even know at 26. Lovely photo and lovely feeling to it.
        Photo By: Kathie Cichon  (K:30)

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