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Critique By: Gerry Pacher  (K:7303)  
11/9/2004 7:00:43 AM

Hi Christian,

this is really a lovely autumn composition - I love these colors and the special mood.

Regards, Gerry
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: cessy karina  (K:14205)  
11/9/2004 4:42:53 AM

magnifique, beautiful autum colors
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Patrick Ziegler  (K:21797)  
11/9/2004 4:16:53 AM

A magical place!
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Alison DuFlon  (K:36566)  
11/9/2004 4:02:21 AM

An absolutely amazing road with such beautiful colors. the composition and lighting are great. Alison
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor  
11/8/2004 1:48:11 PM

congratulatuion mon ami..
SC.. pour une photo magnifique!
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
11/8/2004 1:16:22 PM

Merci beaucoup Fabrice. J'ai hâte de voir vos nouvelles images.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: G G  (K:61359) Donor  
11/8/2004 7:38:01 AM

Alors la j'y reviens pour vous féliciter.. Award très largement mérité pour la qualité de vos photos... BRAVO..
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: NN   (K:26787)  
11/8/2004 6:49:59 AM

... and CONGRATULATIONS again, Christian - this time on the award ;-)
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
11/8/2004 3:52:56 AM

I had exactly the feeling of being on a movie stage. It could be another set for an Amélie Poulin from Québec !
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
11/8/2004 3:50:54 AM

Thank you Barry for your appreciation.
No the moon is just as it was. What could it be ? Perhaps the effect is due to the crop ? We here have about 2/3 of the original.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
11/8/2004 3:47:11 AM

Thank you Liane. That's exaclty the feeling I had when I stopped in awe for this one.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
11/8/2004 3:44:02 AM

Hugo, sorry about the confusion. My brother-in-law is the one coming back from an illness, not me - I'm really just fine. I changed the (too) short description to avoid further mistakes.
As for the picture - I shot this with the camera resting on my thigh, sitting next to him. I was experimenting candid shooting with this 20mm lens - incredible DOF, and the 400 ISO chromogenic film. The lens I had bought through eBay revealed itself defective and wouldn't close from 2.8 (that's another l-o-n-g story) so almost all of my roll is pure waste. In this case, it seemed to me that something had worked out. The way he is lying, with his head moving upward toward light, the angles drawn by the shadows and the hedge toward his throat, all contributed I felt to the theme of a fight for resurrection.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Don Loseke  (K:32503)  
11/7/2004 6:08:23 PM

Th is is an unusual perspective. I like the shadow on the face. A great powerful picture. Don.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Don Loseke  (K:32503)  
11/7/2004 6:06:41 PM

Wow, this is such a great picture. Great exposure. It has such a great warm feeling. Great capture Christian. Don.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/7/2004 4:29:46 PM

Hi Christian, This image somewhat reminds me of the 101 dalmatians disney film; tone, lighting, and composition, as well as the absence of any reminder from modern times create a timeless atmosphere. Very well captured. I like this one alot.

Take care,


        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
11/7/2004 4:25:37 PM

Hi Christian, I already wondered where (and how) you'd been, didn't know about your illness, and hope you feel better soon. Good to hear from you, though, and I see you haven't lost your touch in creating very ingenious and intriguing images.

Obviously, the composition is not quite what one would expect, but the intriguing thing is, that this does not affect the quality of this shot, nor it's appeal. Maybe unusual, but quite effective. I wonder what the reason behind it is, I for one would not have come up with this solution. Very intriguing.

Good tones, and a very fitting sepia tone.



        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Franz Thoma  (K:3365)  
11/7/2004 10:18:10 AM

Salut Christan
De nouveau ce feeling d'être au cinéma!
On se demande où était le photographe pour pouvoir avoir cette vue/angle?
Il y en a beaucoup de tension, bravo!
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Franz Thoma  (K:3365)  
11/7/2004 10:09:38 AM

Last try to add an b/w version.
I guess, Alfred Hitchcock didn't want me o do it!
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: G G  (K:61359) Donor  
11/7/2004 10:02:28 AM

Excellent cadrage, et belle DOF... une réussite
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: G G  (K:61359) Donor  
11/7/2004 10:01:34 AM

Très belle photo Christian, j'aime beaucoup l'atmosphère qui en découle.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Franz Thoma  (K:3365)  
11/7/2004 9:58:00 AM

I conferss! I made a mistake ,sorry. I try again the b/w
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Franz Thoma  (K:3365)  
11/7/2004 9:41:25 AM

I agree with Liane about the setting of a movie!
In b/w it looks like a scene out of Hitchcock's film "I confess"!
Kind regards
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Alain Auzeral  (K:931)  
11/7/2004 8:38:01 AM

Cadrage audacieux et très réussi.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Alain Auzeral  (K:931)  
11/7/2004 8:36:49 AM

Une très belle image de nuit, bien composée et présentée.
Par contre, il me semble qu'il y a beaucoup de bruit sur cette photo, ce qui me semble curieux vu la sensibilité utilisée (200 Iso) même en pose longue.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Alain Auzeral  (K:931)  
11/7/2004 8:30:25 AM

Vraiment une très très belle image.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Barry Wakelin  (K:7838)  
11/7/2004 8:23:36 AM

Superb feel to this image, great balance of light and nice location. The moon looks very large if it was taken with an 18-70mm lens - did you add it later?
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: NN   (K:26787)  
11/7/2004 8:01:38 AM

Exceptional presentation, but I think it fits the theme very well! He keeps his fingers crossed, showing that he is still very uncertain about the future. A touching image - makes one think of all those around you who are fighting for their health ...
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: NN   (K:26787)  
11/7/2004 7:50:55 AM

Hi Christian! Nice to see you back ... with this wonderful work, tastefully framed! Looks too good to be true! Congratulations!!!
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Mira Novianti  (K:592)  
11/7/2004 1:55:47 AM

Lovely, lovely, lovely.......two tumbs up.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Paul's Photos  (K:35235)  
11/7/2004 12:50:46 AM

nice scene and architecture... like the lighting..good composition with the placement of the moon... excellent work
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

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