Critique By:
Mike Marcotte (K:3948)
2/25/2005 3:39:18 AM
"What's Left of Us" couldn't be a better caption. When I was a kid & took my first trip to the north woods, I actually thought "This is the way it looked 300 years ago" Little did I know that there are very few places that weren't cut-over. "This IS What's Left". I like the silhouette.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Christian Barrette (K:21125)
2/24/2005 9:39:06 PM
Maria, me encanta que te guste.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Maria José Barres (K:11276)
2/23/2005 8:23:49 PM
preciosa serie!
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Maria José Barres (K:11276)
2/23/2005 4:37:38 PM
buena metáfora! Buen trabajo. Saludos.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Titia Geertman (K:5582)
2/23/2005 10:44:26 AM
Great shot Christian, you're right, it makes one feel very small indeed. Love the sepia color.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Markus Scholz (K:23722)
2/23/2005 10:12:19 AM
This is beautiful, Christian. Dramatic expression with all lines converging to a focal point. I also like the contrast between the clouds and the silhuettes of the trees.
Regards, Markus
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Markus Scholz (K:23722)
2/23/2005 9:17:18 AM
Metaphor for what, Christian? I like the fine structures of the branches converging to the sky. Very delicate and not threatening to me.
Regards, Markus
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Warren B (K:7272)
2/23/2005 4:45:47 AM
Love the composition, and the tones you have in the shot work well. Nice work.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Mike Marcotte (K:3948)
2/23/2005 2:24:40 AM
Nice when the snow sticks to the trees eh mon ami? You made a good choice with the lens, as Don pointed out about the convergence. The color is good too. A nice muffled hike I'll bet.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Don Loseke (K:32503)
2/23/2005 2:22:02 AM
Sharp picture. The convergence of the trees works very well. Try this in blue tone once and see how it looks. Nice capture Christian. Don.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Shkelzen Domi (K:973)
2/22/2005 11:26:09 PM
Very intresting color in natyre
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Maria José Barres (K:11276)
2/22/2005 11:19:15 PM
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Carolyn Wiesbrock (K:14051)
2/22/2005 10:23:02 PM
Nice tone and a marvelous composition!
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
2/20/2005 6:00:03 PM
trés magnifique mon ami.. incredible colousr.. au revoir! roby
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Markus Scholz (K:23722)
2/20/2005 3:35:48 PM
Absolutely marvelous colors and mood. Excellent picture, Christian!
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Markus Scholz (K:23722)
2/20/2005 3:32:58 PM
Very interesting site and interesting shot, Christian. What attracts me is how the transparency of the structure disappears towards the edge of it. Furthermore the transition of the organic structures of the trees towards the artificial structure of the globe.
Cheers, Markus
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
NN (K:26787)
2/20/2005 2:21:51 PM
Stunning ... love this serene & simple scene!
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Franz Thoma (K:3365)
2/20/2005 11:36:52 AM
Cher Christian
Quel tableau impressioniste et impressionant! J'ai cru avoir un "déjà vu" mais je cherche encore le peintre Peux-tu m'aider? Un peu de Hodler, un peu de Vallotton, ainsi pour les Suisses, mais il y en a pas mal d'autres, surtout aussi des Canadiens qui connaissent cette lumière! En tout cas, tu a crée un favorite! Très amicalement Franz
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
ahmet özkan (K:7216)
2/20/2005 10:55:26 AM
so beautiful colors.. congrats...
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Guido Fulgenzi (K:6076)
2/20/2005 9:11:24 AM
Amazing color tone and nice cropping,it gives me the feeling of wideness and freedom.Bravo
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Mike Marcotte (K:3948)
2/20/2005 3:45:05 AM
"Light Shift" is a great title. What a great place this is! I think I know how you feel when you go out there, [at least I think I do.] I like this best in this St. Lawerence series.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Gustavo Scheverin (K:164501)
2/20/2005 3:44:23 AM
wow!...qué paisaje desolado! Me gusta!
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Christian Barrette (K:21125)
2/20/2005 2:43:51 AM
Mike, if you could step over the line, please email me in advance so we could spend a few rolls of film together.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Christian Barrette (K:21125)
2/20/2005 2:40:44 AM
Right Matej. I am fascinated by the mix of pattern between the twigs and the shafts. Now that you mention it, this is exactly what I was turning around while on site.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Matej Maceas (K:24381)
2/19/2005 10:58:33 PM
I'm not surprised this site attracts you. The structure seems to be from another planet. The only element that identifies it as being on Earth is the ordinary-looking house in the left corner.
What I find noteworthy here is the similarity and at the same time the contrast between the structure of the sphere and the trees growing in front of it. Similarity, because without leaves (and maybe that is why it attracts you at this particular time of year), the intertwining lines of the branches are not unlike the steel shafts of the structure. Contrast, because we see a strictly regular high-tech looking object placed right next to the decidedly 'low-tech' trees.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Don Loseke (K:32503)
2/19/2005 8:38:23 PM
It is a very intriging scene. I can see why you keep going back. The light and conditions are always different. Great warm light this time. Don.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Romy Fabian Garmaz (K:17105)
2/19/2005 6:30:18 PM
Christian. Excellent architecture shot. Nice colours. Greetings from Argentina. Romy
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Mike Marcotte (K:3948)
2/19/2005 6:04:31 PM
This is some very interesting art work. I'm going up there some day. We may be going to N.Y. state next October, maybe I can sneak over the line.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Christian Barrette (K:21125)
2/16/2005 2:47:51 AM
Right, Mike. I also felt that some details were required in there to give it that bit of an ominous feeling.
Photo By: Christian Barrette
Critique By:
Christian Barrette (K:21125)
2/16/2005 2:40:06 AM
Well, Markus, you have described what I was trying to convey here : the dark almost threatening building, as opposed to the gracious curve in the warmly lit cloud.
Photo By: Christian Barrette