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Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
1/1/2006 5:05:23 PM

Hi Hugo ! Nice to know you around, you're such a solid reference.

I dropped UF for some time - went active on Nikon Cafe for a good while - nice folks too. But I slowly came back - sincerely I missed the friends here. I may not post a lot, but still appreciate the scene.

A very satisfying New Year.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
1/1/2006 5:01:06 PM

Great to hear from you too Mike. A Happy New Year, day after day.

Christmas is (was ?) more religious, family, children oriented, while New Year's Eve is more in the spirit of a carnival.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
1/1/2006 12:54:14 PM

Hi Christian, I like the geometry here; and it took me a while to figure out if I was going up or down. Good low POV, and a very good shot; the IR filter is very subtle...

Take care, and I hope to hear from you soon,


        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Hugo de Wolf  (K:185110)  
1/1/2006 12:16:41 PM

Hi Christian, it's been ages! How have you been? Your last post dated back to April! I know I've been away for a long time, but this is even longer.... Best wishes for 2006 to you too, my friend! Take care,


        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Mike Marcotte  (K:3948)  
1/1/2006 7:14:26 AM

Happy New Year Christian! This is a very good image & looks like it belongs on a post card or a calendar. I'm sure if you were to print it, it would go great on a wall. New Years Day was always the bigger holiday to the French in Canada than was Christmas, is that right? And the words on the picture, I didn't understand them. Leave it to Mon Ami,the great commmunicator to choose an international language. Happy New Year.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Markus Scholz  (K:23722) Donor  
1/1/2006 1:55:12 AM

A Happy New Year, Christian and congratulations to your new camera. Your pictures will be unbeatable now.

Kind regards, Markus
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Alicia Popp  (K:87532)  
12/31/2005 12:37:54 PM

Excelente, delicada y emocionante composición. Felicitaciones!!!. Gracias por los deseos y que tengas bello año
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: NN   (K:26787)  
12/31/2005 11:16:26 AM

Thanks, dear friend! I like the tiny stars within the huge blue (half) star, also how the trees seem to point towards the text. Beautiful! I wish you and your loved ones Good Health and Happiness in 2006.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Matej Maceas  (K:24381) Donor  
12/31/2005 10:45:45 AM

Happy new year Christian
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
12/31/2005 8:28:40 AM

Thanks Chris.

Yes, that's a polar. You might notice some white specks that look like stars. They are actually snow pellets blown around by the strong wind. I cloned out the ones that looked like streaks and saved the starry ones.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Chris Hunter  (K:25634)  
12/31/2005 8:21:02 AM

Nice shot, I like the idea, but the photo is so strong I would love to see it w/o the type on the top. I like the deep blue sky (polarizer?) and of course the snow covered trees.

Cheers & Happy New Year,

        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: NN   (K:26787)  
12/31/2005 3:58:14 AM

Hi Christian! Just wanted to say ...


        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Franz Thoma  (K:3365)  
12/30/2005 2:35:06 AM

What a lovely winter photo!

Dear Christian
For the coming year 2006 I wish the very best to you and yours.
Kind regards
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Darlene Boucher  (K:15739)  
12/18/2005 8:52:10 PM

Beautiful image, I love the composition and the wonderful tones! Darlene
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Audrey Reid  (K:5872)  
12/8/2005 4:25:05 PM

I see many Vs
The sepia mono is perfect for this type of composition. The strong contrast between the milky smooth sky and bold metal lines is interesting. Very nice work.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: NN   (K:26787)  
12/7/2005 9:38:56 AM

Of course you will, Christian! There is no way but upwards. Excellent light & composition with many different lines and textures ... interesting tones!
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
12/4/2005 10:38:13 PM

It's a twoway, where one choses his own.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Markus Scholz  (K:23722) Donor  
12/4/2005 4:27:50 PM

Aha, oneway stairs so
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
12/4/2005 3:01:44 PM

Right Mike, it's from the other side - the urban, the B&W. I have been to an exhibit lately from a phtographer who does his work in B&W IR film. Very distinct from digital IR, coarse grain and blur. I have one loaded in my F80, but my Hoya filter doesn't fit any of the lenses that suit this body. I will probably buy and use a Cokin IR filter and give it a try. The only thing is that by now, IR is almost useless - all is brown and grey outside. We are about to have a little snow today, it will leave a powder on the ground with a visual effect much similar to the one IR shots have. I will try and take my views under these conditions.
Hope you're fine, mon ami.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
12/4/2005 2:53:59 PM

Markus, I was hoping that the light in this pict would convey a better impression than the one you evoke. These stairs are not coming down, but going up... to the sky.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Mike Marcotte  (K:3948)  
12/4/2005 2:19:43 PM

This is a very interesting image to be, not in nature as usual. The vanishing point leading up is a point of interest to me. Also mon ami, I like the sky. I can follow the steps right up to the clouds. The long exposure made the sky just perfect.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Markus Scholz  (K:23722) Donor  
12/4/2005 9:15:56 AM

Very strong picture, Christian. I love the geometry in the lines and the soft contrasts. To be perfect there is only the baby carriage missing, riding down the stairs unattended, with a baby sleeping in it

Regards, Markus
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: mundh   (K:3974)  
12/4/2005 3:43:08 AM

perfect shot at perfect angle with a great tone +7
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Howie Mudge  (K:27933)  
12/4/2005 3:24:01 AM

I like the perspective and tones in this scene. Very nice indeed.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
12/1/2005 4:29:43 AM

Argh, it is a real challenge to expose for the snow correctly, especially under direct sunlight. Thanks for confirming.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Don Loseke  (K:32503)  
11/30/2005 2:06:45 AM

Yes Christian I do think they are somewhat overexposed..Do you have RAW on your camera? It is so easy to correct your exposure with the Raw image. ONe thing that I have found, if you overexpose the detail is lost and you cannot do much about it. Underexposure is better as you can bring some detail out.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Audrey Reid  (K:5872)  
11/29/2005 10:04:35 PM

You're good at these winter scenes Christian. Pretty but cold and bleak comes through loud and clear.
Here's the party-pooper bit..humbly think some of the texture has gone missing to the snow on the right?
My guess is this composition will work welll in B&W too.

        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
11/29/2005 1:48:17 PM

Hello Elisa,
I was not sure about centering the subject, but I do think that in this case it works well, with the grasses at the bottom that make for a natural support.
Thank you for being a faithful commenter, and a permanent source of inspiration.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
11/29/2005 1:45:15 PM

Thank you Markus. I liked the stochastic movements in the branches.
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

Critique By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)  
11/29/2005 1:42:49 PM

Thank you Don.
The orchard is now abandoned and has been incorporated in a protected area, avoiding it be turned into a residential suburb.
What do you think about how the whites are rendered here ? Do you think they're a bit overexposed ?
        Photo By: Christian Barrette  (K:21125)

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