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Critique By: Aaron Charlton Smith  (K:625)  
2/14/2003 6:25:51 PM

Yikes...tell me this wasn't put in a child's bedroom, ;-)

P.S. Like your name, =)
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
2/13/2003 6:42:46 AM

That IS a scary bear, but I think this would have been better as a portrait/vertical shot, without cutting off the bottom of the bear.

I don't use the rating system so I didn't leave the rating.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Aaron Charlton Smith  (K:625)  
2/11/2003 2:17:09 PM

Neat pic, ;-) I myself play bass. I've been considering taking some shots of bands and other people playing musical instruments and whatnot...any advice?
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Sean Fitzgerald  (K:310)  
1/23/2003 5:18:55 PM

Since you asked:
The image looks extremly flat, it is also boring as it is, it may be an interesting subject from various other angles or with some interesting lighting, however, the flash you used really makes the image flat. It looks crooked as well, but maybe im seeing things. Try something different, your composition is boring, the colors are dull, the lighting is flat and quite wretched and this looks like you've taken it with a disposable camera. No hard feelings.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
1/21/2003 8:08:38 PM

Ooops - to clarify. Neither flamingo is cropped or levels adjusted in PS. I merely turned the camera and move closer to better fill the frame.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
1/21/2003 8:05:33 PM

Hey, Aaron, if this is you, who took the picture?!?! :-)

I think that by going vertical, you could have gotten closer, and by going closer, you could have gotten more light. I'm guessing that's what Lisa meant when she suggests "cropping in closer".

I've attached an image I used to teach my neice the benefits of going with a vertical format, i.e. getting closer to the subject and bouncing more light. (All right, I didn't say they were GOOD images - LOL.)
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/21/2003 6:59:07 PM

This comment should have been from me, not Ed Boardman...whoops! This computer was logged on in his name. Don't blame Ed for anything

i don't think think this was placed here for ratings, but advice. That is what this site is supposed to be aboutng
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Ed Boardman  (K:53)  
1/21/2003 6:45:16 PM

i don't think think this was placed here for ratings, but advice. That is what this site is supposed to be about.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Ed Boardman  (K:53)  
1/21/2003 6:45:16 PM

i don't think think this was placed here for ratings, but advice. That is what this site is supposed to be about.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/21/2003 5:49:48 PM

Getting closer might have helped if your flash is not that strong. Otherwise a stronger flash would have been better. Cropping in closer can sometimes help the lighting,because the flash doesn't have as far to hit on the subject, I have found. however, I am not a professional. Hopefully someone else can offer advice as well.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
1/20/2003 2:13:37 PM

Odd to say this, Aaron, but the thumbnail is larger than your posting. Needless to say, it's hard to give a comment.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Terrence Kent  (K:7023)  
1/14/2003 9:20:01 AM

the nitty gritty:
1. its out of focus, watch out for that, put your central AF point on the point of most important focus and hold the shutter release at the point just before it would release, recompose, then snap the shot
2. go wider and get closer to fill the frame more with the dj but to keep his environment in context
3. use a slow shutter speed to let in some ambient light to mix with the flash so the lighting isn't so flat/front

find shots similar to what you want to do, and examine what the photographer did in that situation, you'll learn fast - and read read read
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
1/14/2003 7:26:25 AM

Oh, yeah, I meant to suggest the Kodak website for pointers about composition. The site has a nice, basic tutorial about how to set up shots for different situations.

The Kodak Digital Learning Center
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Sue O'S  (K:12878)  
1/14/2003 7:22:27 AM

Aaron, I would recommend getting in closer and getting some different angles. This image has a busy, uninteresting backdrop and is too small. Also, he has a post coming out of the nape of his neck.

I have a DC5000 and the flash unit is horribly underpowered, so I've started playing with a vivitar flash with a button slave attached. It works with my kodak digicam but may not work with yours because I don't have a focussing preflash. You might look into it.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/9/2003 1:07:25 PM

Darkening the photo might help cut down on the brightness. I tried to mess with it a little, but I don't know if it helped.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: AJ Haselwood  (K:2148)  
1/9/2003 10:22:38 AM

Beautiful child, face is too blown out. The flash over powers those pretty blue eyes.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/7/2003 3:37:07 PM

Okay, there are some really bizarre photos on this website and people keep writing how amazing they are and then there is one like this, which to me is fine-- it is a little bright and it is not necessarily as artistic or as exotic as some of the photos on this website, but I really do not see why it had a rating of "2." I really respect the people who comment on this site, but I think some people are a bit arrogant --- Sorry..I don't mean to be mean, but not everyone can be as good as some of the best photographers on here. Everyone has their level and I think this is a pretty good level, Aaron. Keep up the good work and I think you will develop as a photographer.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
1/7/2003 1:21:40 PM

First of all, the date should go, that detracts from the photo. Second, your sons expression is adorable and should be highlighted in this photo. I think you should have cropped in a little closer to get his expression as the center of the photo. Here is an idea for a crop...just an idea....

Otherwise I like this photo.
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Richard Ivan  (K:512)  
1/6/2003 5:42:12 PM

Merry Christmas
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)

Critique By: Molly Walters  (K:1284)  
1/5/2003 11:11:15 PM

great angle and I love the colors, do you have any shots without the red truck on the right hand side?
        Photo By: Aaron Smith  (K:28)


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