Critique By:
Anindya Maity (K:7880)
12/27/2002 12:33:19 PM
Very dramatic !
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Don Loseke (K:32503)
12/27/2002 12:27:47 PM
I like it John, Like you said that you didn't have much time to adjust the composition. Great mood.
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Keith Naylor (K:13064)
12/27/2002 11:06:48 AM
Nice shot, love the diagonal line and the foreground leaves. My eye then wanders upto you main interest - the bridge. Good work.
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Gary Martin (K:579)
12/27/2002 6:23:30 AM
Ditto on the sharpening, but I have to disagree with Harvey... I think the narrow black silhouetted tree line anchors the bottom of the photo nicely for the tall, lone tree silhouetted in the foreground.
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Gary Martin (K:579)
12/27/2002 6:21:56 AM
Nice one, John, and welcome to usefilm. I've liked this shot since the first time I saw it. Excellent capture, planned or not!
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
John Black (K:1047)
12/26/2002 9:59:28 PM
Hey Thanks Thibault for the comments. The UV Filter is something I pretty much leave on the end of my lens. I tend to shoot in nasty weather and I keep it on there to keep my lens clean more than anything else.
I agree and appreciate the overexposure comment, it is bright at the very base of the falls. Whenever I head up to the UP, I always feel compelled to stop here and take a couple shots, this was one of my favorites from the area.
Thanks for the comments, and especially for having it be something more than (Nice Shot!) JB
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Thibault Grouas (K:848)
12/26/2002 9:48:38 PM
>What would you have done differently?
This is a nice picture. The trees provide a nice natural framing for the falls a make it jump to our eyes. the color and light is nice especially the one falling on the middle trees in the background.
Knowing you used iso 100 film and a polarizer (but why bother with the uv filter ?), you might have used one of the lowest speeds available like about 1/15th. If I could get here, I would have tryed to get to even lower speeds, like about 1 second, with a ND filter and lower speed films. Without any ND filter, it is still possible to make a pretty nice pic before or after the sun.
But care would have to be taken to avoid over-exposure. I find your shot a little bit overexposed with some lack of detail on the highlights on the fall. I would probably underexpose the shot a little.
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Deleted User (K:4598)
12/26/2002 12:32:59 PM
Good comp. Just a few suggestions. Thge photo is a bit oversharpened as evidenced by the noise in the sky and halos around the tree. Also I'd crop out the bottom tree line which distract from the overall subject. IMO just two little things I'd do and then it's ready to be hung on the wall.
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Eric Goldwasser (K:4294)
12/25/2002 8:57:58 PM
I love the light in this photo!
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Eric Goldwasser (K:4294)
12/25/2002 7:46:23 PM
I like it with the tree. It looks like you were a little agressive with the sharpen tools, though. The tree has definite sharpening halos around it.
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Deb Mayes (K:19605)
12/25/2002 4:11:45 PM
Wow - awesome light and waves. Well done
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Vincent K. Tylor (K:7863)
12/24/2002 11:52:49 PM
Great mood and action in this....very dramatic. The white water however looks a bit manipulated. Perhaps over sharpened a bit?? I like the one bird in sharp focus. You could possibly clone out the others since they look more like specks but are okay as is also. Nice capture here John!
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Luke C (K:2105)
12/24/2002 10:09:11 PM
I really like the waves on the right..they look so black and dangerous. The beads of water are awesome. Overall I find this photo very "intimidating" if you will...very very cool indeed...this would be something I would want to enlarge. I think it's suiting too...I know how Lake Michigan can get :-) Keep up the good work. ~Luke
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
John Black (K:1047)
12/24/2002 9:49:44 PM
Hey Kevin, two things helped me decide to shoot the composition like this. Foremost, it was from a spot of safety, on the left side of the pier is the Grand River where waves frequently jump over the pier. The second was that this beam of light appeared and disappeared so quickly that I just shot what was there(So I guess I really didn't decide). 
Sorry about the lack of location info. This is from the Ferrysburg Pier light on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan. The waves and storm were created by 30 mph winds moving North to South along the long side of the lake. Thanks again for the comments, JB
Photo By: John Black
Critique By:
Kevin Greggain (K:2572)
12/24/2002 9:39:05 PM
I like it.. The sky is angry and darkened.. There is good light on the splashing wave so that gives me a focus item.
I'm wondering what an angled shot (more to the left focusing right would look like. This is a great photo, I just like lines in a photo..
Great work !!! Where is this ??
Photo By: John Black