Critique By:
Philip Sherwood (K:51)
5/30/2003 3:03:57 PM
The interplay of the light and the hills gives the eye a lot to look at, and the green makes it feel very lush or pastoral. Very nice.
Photo By: Lorenzo Lessi
Critique By:
Philip Sherwood (K:51)
11/14/2002 6:18:45 PM
You can see another picture from the same night here: http://www.usefilm.com/showphoto.php?id=26814
Can you do html in this? or click here
Photo By: Philip Sherwood
Critique By:
Philip Sherwood (K:51)
11/13/2002 10:32:19 AM
Re: Portrait category: I wasn't sure what category to put it in.
What suggestions do you have for it?
Photo By: Philip Sherwood
Critique By:
Philip Sherwood (K:51)
11/13/2002 10:03:57 AM
I love the sky and the idea - but I wish I could see more detail on the posts or that the leftmost one didn't block so much of the sky. But that's just my opinion.
Photo By: Raymond Andringa
Critique By:
Philip Sherwood (K:51)
8/27/2002 9:35:35 AM
I love those colors! Is that the sky or some other background?
Photo By: Rachel Radcliffe
Critique By:
Philip Sherwood (K:51)
8/26/2002 8:57:04 AM
I like the exposure (washed out sky helps focus attention on the bridge). I wonder what it would have been like if you had put the bridge vanishing point higher in the frame instead of lower. The girders pull my eye down until I hit the gap, and then I get lost. Would the down angle help close that gap, or put more emphasis on the tracks?
Photo By: Rose Hooper