Critique By:
Paco Ferrer (K:8586)
5/8/2003 3:53:23 PM
Very Good composition.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
choeN Lee (K:102)
1/20/2003 11:37:18 AM
I am more interested in the boy having lunch in this surrounding than the word Kanh itself. By mentally removing the graffiti I can see that even with this same composition this is a strong image. The contrast too work very well with the mood.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
choeN Lee (K:102)
1/20/2003 11:32:55 AM
I wouldn't fault the white bars: I mean what could you do about it right? In fact the bars help frame the main subject's expression, and even giving the title 'school life' an extra layer of meaning...indeed, school life is like sitting behind bars.
If the white bars do bother even you that much too, crop the picture just inside the two bars.
You did catch this at the right moment. Good.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Marc Gougenheim (K:5398)
11/28/2002 10:46:51 AM
I'm sorry, I think it could have been great without these 2 bars, and with a lower contrast, which would allow us to see at least a bit more of the last child, without blowing the highlights on the shirts at the other end. As it is, I still like the front boy's expression very much, but the picture as a whole fails by half. Best regards.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Cemal Ekin (K:2309)
11/21/2002 5:10:24 PM
I have a constructive comment that will make this photograph even better. Send me a 16x20 copy! Kidding aside, a magnificient view well photographed.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Mary Sue Hayward (K:17558)
11/21/2002 2:49:03 PM
Awesome shot, this really shows depth! Thanks for posting this.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Dawna G. (K:7709)
11/21/2002 2:41:45 PM
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Ryan Schmidt (K:39)
11/21/2002 1:56:52 PM
Vince et all, thanks for the kind words. It is not from an airplane but from another Volcano looking across the valley. I was climbing Volcano Fuego in the morning and that is the gift - a view like that.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Aiman Nassar (K:11961)
11/21/2002 12:49:30 PM
Layers and layers of depth... great mood and color... and the mest adds another dimension... beautiful scene.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Vincent K. Tylor (K:7863)
11/21/2002 10:55:24 AM
Nice to see you posting here Ryan. The ratings sytem has improved the site. This is very nice, has a dreamlike appearance to it. I cannot believe you could get something this clear from an airplane window. I will keep this in mind the next time I fly...How's Canada??
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Elangovan S (K:10675)
11/21/2002 10:51:01 AM
Is this a dream land? Wow... wonderful feeling... very nice photo.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Greg Summers (K:1115)
11/21/2002 10:44:19 AM
The waves of color and shadow are wondeful - like waves on an ocean
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
samantha marie (K:378)
8/25/2002 2:36:56 PM
I love the amount of contrast in this photo. It is beautiful
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Jane Nuse (K:70)
8/18/2002 5:47:42 AM
I love this...I just hope he stays safe.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Autumn Ruhe (K:993)
8/16/2002 3:08:39 PM
i like the way you framed this, but i think its a bit too contrast-y, so there isnt much detail in his clothes. a lower filter would fix this.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Ryan Schmidt (K:39)
8/5/2002 1:16:09 PM
When I get back there and have a translator in tow, I will find out the true meaning of Kanh. I thought it was a name of a person as well.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
000 000 (K:1471)
8/5/2002 9:46:18 AM
Hello Everybody! Hello Ryan!
i have been reading the comments of the other UseFilm members. It is really interesting. Now first of all the was this misstake with Kánh ( K ÁNH) and Kahn.
==> Karen: Kahn is the name of the german Football goalkeeper. he was named the King because he was the best player in the whole 2002 FIFA WorldCup. I am sure you looked up the name KAHN, because of the misstake Katia wrote. (She wrote Kahn instead of KÁNH).
==> Joe saying kánh is a name you maybe right. Because looking up the meaning of Kánh and asking some friends, I came up with the answer, that Kánh a chinese name is. It was the name of a Chinese 17 century Emperor, "Kánh-hsi".
Phú Kánh is a province in Vietnam.
So what ever KÁNH means remains a question till our Ryan Schmidt decide to ask the people who live there, where he made the Pic.
Thanks guys.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Joe Nguyen (K:17)
8/5/2002 8:45:42 AM
I like the picture. I used to live in Saigon and what I understand is Ka'nh is supposed to be written as K. A'nh probably the first and middle name of someone (looks like a girl's name) with the middle name is written as initial K. and the first name as A'nh. KANH has no meaning as king at all
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Karen L. Chambers (K:277)
8/4/2002 1:16:11 PM
I have a friend from Siagon that told me that "Kahn" means "King" so theres one Idea for ya!!!
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Ryan Schmidt (K:39)
8/4/2002 12:50:05 PM
Katia, Thanks for the kind words. I have no idea what the word Kanh means - and did a little on-line check for a translation, but received no results. It was the graffiti that caught my eye from the street and was lucky the young boy was having lunch in his doorway.
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt
Critique By:
Katia Cutrone (K:12940)
8/4/2002 11:29:15 AM
Hi Ryan, your Pic is touching. What does "Kahn" mean? I had a look at your portfolio and I find your "photografer-eye" very good. Welcome in usefilm!
Photo By: Ryan Schmidt