Critique By:
Arnold Greyling (K:44)
10/8/2006 8:20:45 PM
Hi Markus, Finally I managed to start using usefilm. This is such a lovely photograph of Ronja, and it also brings back some personal memories of the good times we had in that kitchen. I also did not notice the lamp reflection until I read Christian's comment and suddenly I couldn't draw my eyes away from the lamp. Because I prefer the image with Ronja in the centre I thought one could edit out the lamp without cropping the photo. I attached my quite unskilled attempt to see what it can look like without the lamp. I also tried to remove the grain by using a "Selective gaussian blur" filter set to a blur radius of 3 and max delta of 29. I'm in two minds whether the original grain is better than the filtered version, I left the filtering in so you can see the difference.
Regards Arnold
Photo By: Markus Scholz
Critique By:
Arnold Greyling (K:44)
10/6/2006 6:09:32 PM
Thanks for the comment Larry.
I visited the Kruger Park accompanied by two botanist which was very interesting because they shouted "Stop, Stop" for plants rather than animals. I they weren't with me I would never have taken this shot of a quite rare (ouside of Kruger Park) flower.
Photo By: Arnold Greyling