Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/6/2004 1:16:36 AM
This is so cool. What 'life-form' created this design do you suppose? Snakes, snails, spiders...??? Great shot.
Photo By: Bill Krul
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/6/2004 1:14:36 AM
Nice lighting on this one Bill. Definitely worth the worth.
Photo By: Bill Krul
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/6/2004 1:11:14 AM
Fantastic shot! I see all kinds of shapes and figures the longer I look. Amazing natural sculptures. Thanks for sharing!
Photo By: Bill Krul
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/3/2004 1:25:27 PM
Absolutely beautiful. Love your framing choice with the trees on the left. Looks like winter is on our doorstep. Excellent work Tommaso!
Photo By: Tommaso Razzano
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/3/2004 1:20:41 PM
The mossy rock makes for a perfect foreground here. Love the rich golden color intermixed with green tones. Another 'award winner'! By the way, when is your book being published?
Photo By: Barry Wakelin
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/3/2004 1:16:16 PM
Whyyyy didn't you take me with you? This looks like an incredible place. Talk about perfect timing! Can't wait to see all the pics!
Photo By: Bill Krul
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/3/2004 1:14:22 PM
Stunning vista. Looks like your almost touching the clouds. Well captured!
Photo By: Barry Wakelin
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/3/2004 1:12:19 PM
Wonderful lines, layers and pastel tones. Well seen Alison!
Photo By: Alison DuFlon
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/2/2004 2:20:24 AM
Very nice work Kathleen. Did you get to sample the grapes too? Love the colors abound in this image. Nice capture!
Photo By: Kathleen Royles
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/1/2004 2:11:29 PM
I have had the pleasure of looking through your portfolio ,and needless to say, have been quite impressed with what I've seen. What sets them apart is a combination of composition and extraordinary lighting. You have a wonderful eye. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm now off to locate a copy of your recommended book, First Light.
Photo By: Barry Wakelin
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/1/2004 2:00:48 PM
Thanks to 'friends' like you, we get to see into the hidden realms of forests and glens, putting on a wonderful show for any who care to see. Excellent color and composition.
Photo By: Alison DuFlon
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/1/2004 1:57:35 PM
'As the day ends, so too does my light give way to the shadows of the night...'
Photo By: Titia Geertman
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
11/1/2004 1:53:48 PM
Titia, impressive shot. It speaks volumes of the impending entrance of winter. A beautiful verse to go along with as well. First rate on both counts!
Photo By: Titia Geertman
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/31/2004 12:20:34 AM
Love this shot for its hidden mystery and three dimensional effect. Last year, I came across a spot similiar to this as the sun cast its warm glow to a rock beneath the water. Very well done, Alison!
Photo By: Alison DuFlon
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/31/2004 12:07:32 AM
You've succeeded in doing it all here. Composition, lighting, mmmoood, interesting scene and perfect tones. congrats on pulling it all together. Looks like a wonderful place. Excellent Barry!
Photo By: Barry Wakelin
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/25/2004 4:49:44 PM
Great effect. One of my favorite vantage points to look at the world around me. Water holds infinite beauty, colors and worlds. Well seen! Sehr Schon!
Photo By: - vasari -
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/25/2004 4:46:09 PM
Great perspective. I love the different levels and the warm light cast upon the ancient walls. First-rate Rafal!
Photo By: gasior
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/18/2004 1:36:12 PM
Love this. Simplistic Beauty. Well done!
Photo By: Neil Niamh White
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/16/2004 11:18:16 PM
Your absolutely right Mark, the silhouttes work well with the colorful background. Well done!
Photo By: Mark McGloughlin
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/16/2004 11:15:33 PM
Very nice job Amna! The flower looks rather content. Nice background tonal changes.
Photo By: Amna Al Shamsi
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/16/2004 11:13:48 PM
"Bad"???. I personally see something "GOOD"! Love the laundry drawing the eye skyward. Nice job Kaan!
Photo By: Kaan Yaren
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/16/2004 11:08:15 PM
Hi Ana, I think you've got a good start here. A few suggestions for improvement would be to make sure your lines are straight. I may even be tempted to crop off a bit from the bottom of the image. A small suggestion of a frame around the image to contain it from spilling over into the white page would also be good. I like the soft blues and hints of pinks and shadow work here. Nice job.
Photo By: ana silva
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/14/2004 3:04:32 PM
This brings a whole new meaning to a 'soft' image. Perfectly captured. Going into my favorites:}
Photo By: Darrin James
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/12/2004 1:35:12 AM
Impressive tones. The blues caught my eye and sucked me right into the scene. What quiet contemplation... Well done Sandra!
Photo By: Sandra Berry
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/9/2004 1:09:00 AM
CongraTS! This is quite impressive. Really love the outcome. Going into my favorites.
Photo By: W. Paul Rosenberry
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/3/2004 12:47:22 AM
Fantastic image Paolo! Love the shapes and cool blue tones throughout. A real masterpiece! Thank you for your kind comments. They are much appreciate.
Photo By: Paolo Longo
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/3/2004 12:44:49 AM
Fantastic. I can see why you would enjoy spending time there. Looks like it holds some wonderful vistas. Nice capture Wojiech!
Photo By: Wojciech Wandzel
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/3/2004 12:43:03 AM
Very well seen Peter! Dramatically beautiful. Nice capture of a landscape. Brings back many wonderful memories of canal-boat life. Thanks!
Photo By: Peter De Rycke
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/3/2004 12:40:44 AM
Very well done Laurie! Visually dramatic. I appreciate all your work. A unique style sets you apart.
Photo By: Laurie J. Herndon
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
10/3/2004 12:37:18 AM
Are you kidding, it certainly was worth it! Just look at what you were able to capture. Movement, light and mood. Fantastic job Nick!
Photo By: Nick Russill