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Critiques From Eric Hazard

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Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
11/14/2009 1:41:50 PM

Thanks for the suggestion and the adjusted photo! I agree the contrast was great. That was part of the intended effect, to give the photo a patina of age. I like what you were able to do with Photoshop, do enhance those aged qualities of the photo, while bringing out more detail, particularly in the foreground.
        Photo By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
10/24/2009 1:22:43 PM

That's a happy panda! Thanks for sharing.
        Photo By: Ann  Van Breemen  (K:13399) Donor

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
11/8/2008 3:59:29 PM

Thanks for the lovely photo Stan. I like the whimsy you caught in the foreground of the bear playfully grabbing at his sculptured paw. The PS effect in the backgroud does a wonderful job setting the two monuments apart from what was no doubt a glum day. They almost seem to glow now.
        Photo By: Stan  Hill  (K:35352) Donor

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
6/24/2008 3:48:21 PM

Sometimes you just love a photo. This is one such occassion. I like how you've blended the green of the trees with the color of the water, combined with the stark sillouttes of the fishermen and their boats. Thank you.
        Photo By: Larry Fosse  (K:66493)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
6/9/2008 12:20:43 AM

Thank you for your kinds words Burim. Yes, the wide angle does distort the buildings a bit, which like yourself, I've come to accept as atmosphere in a photo. Please feel free to add to your favorites.

        Photo By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
5/5/2008 1:39:34 PM

Yes, this is the pedestrian part of the bridge. Below the boardwalk is the roadway. Walking the Brooklyn Bridge is one of my favorite New York activities, no matter the weather. Even in the snow and ice, it presents so many wonderful images and great views of the city.

Thanks for the comment.
        Photo By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
11/14/2007 3:00:39 AM

Well done. Incredible use of color contrast with the dress and the flesh. Very evocative and suggestive.
        Photo By: Sean Weidemann  (K:131)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
8/19/2007 6:54:38 PM

The cause of the fire is still unknown. We have heard two different opinions. One states that the fire was caused by faulty wiring in a construction elevator. The second is that one of the workers in the building was smoking a cigarette that was not properly distinguished.
        Photo By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
6/29/2007 1:47:40 AM

Thank you for the lovely photo. I really like the light and the focus on the sun. Well done. As someone who also shoots sunsets on the Hudson, would you mind if I asked more about your expsoure settings?
        Photo By: Matteo Rimini  (K:-3)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
6/27/2007 2:37:17 AM

Incredible. Words do not do this photo justice. I am impressed and a bit jealous. I would appreciate know more about your exposure settings if you don't mind (shutter, aperture, ISO).
        Photo By: flotti francesco  (K:103)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
6/12/2007 4:05:33 AM

Beautiful composition. I am particularly attracted to the greens in the background. The color is seemless from the land to the water. Well done.
        Photo By: James Hixon  (K:51)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
11/23/2006 3:41:51 AM

Obrigado Leo.
        Photo By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
11/16/2006 3:24:01 AM

Beautiful composition. I really like the angle of this photo.
        Photo By: Vince Cianci  (K:2505)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
11/12/2006 2:12:23 PM

Truly a beautiful photograph. Very nice composition, excellent colors, and a great capture of the transition from night into day.
        Photo By: Craig Hanson  (K:7836)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
9/23/2006 3:42:43 PM

This is just creepy. I love it.
        Photo By: ERNIE BUCHANAN  (K:18699)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
8/4/2006 1:30:14 PM

Excellent photograph. I especially like the dichotomy of the two sources of conflict evident here: man vs. nature and man vs. himself. In the foreground, we have a hunter, seeing his target, contemplating the best way forward at this moment. Should he draw his gun and fire? Is the shot not just right and perhaps he should wait until another shot comes across? At the same time we have a water fowl, perhaps obviously going about his day, unaware of the internal struggle going on inside the hunter. We may say it is the bird’s time to hide, yet the bird may see it as a time for flight. There are many different interpretations of this picture with much contemplation on each. Again, this is very well done.
        Photo By: rahim yalcintas  (K:730)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
8/4/2006 1:20:44 PM

How on Earth did you ever get a dragonfly to sit still like that? I love the light in this photograph. Well done.
        Photo By: Oguz Kiziltug  (K:421)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
3/15/2006 4:07:37 PM


Thank you for the excellent suggestion. I hadn't really noticed how the snow was running through the picture, but you are right, it needs to be blocked off.
        Photo By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
3/14/2006 12:30:47 AM


Thank you for the kind words. To your disbelief, it is amazing how sharp a photo you can take with a pocket digital camera when you set the right exposure on a tripod. Most people don't realize how good a camera they have if they just move the dial past automatic settings.
        Photo By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/18/2006 4:38:00 PM

I had to click on this one. Very well done.
        Photo By: Michael Kanemoto  (K:22115)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/15/2006 6:09:20 AM

The scene is really set in this photograph with the beautiful explosion of color beginning low in the background and ascending quickly through the heavens, shading everything the rays of the sun touch. Complimenting the radiant, yet subdued colors of the background, in the foreground you have the wonderfully silhouetted statue, arms outstretched, delivering a message to the people down below. However, the statue is not entirely whole. Rather it is broken and bent, conveying a since that it has just weathered a fight, illustrating the struggle one must endure to achieve their goals.

The picture is very well composed and communicates a powerful message. My compliments.
        Photo By: negar hadadi  (K:194)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/14/2006 9:39:08 AM

I just had to click on this picture. So well done.
        Photo By: Serafettin Akbalik  (K:2155)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/14/2006 5:42:08 AM

I really like the DOF in this picture and how well it is aligned from the cue stick, through the ball, onto the table. Good shot.
        Photo By: Nuwan Setunga  (K:178)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/12/2006 6:33:37 PM

And to think, I was going to present my own shot of this exhibit at MoMa...

The black and white and the grain of the photo give it great character.
        Photo By: Nikki M  (K:290)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/12/2006 6:30:18 PM

You have managed to capture three of the four major elements - air, water, earth - all nicely demarcated from the clouds to the mountains and through the the emerald green valley flow below. So well composed, nicely present, overall a good job.
        Photo By: greg collins  (K:12273)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/12/2006 6:26:17 PM

I would like to add my praise to the already substantial bank of positive comments. Such a beautiful scene and you captured it wonderfully. Into the favorite box it goes.
        Photo By: ade mcfade  (K:12388)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/11/2006 7:39:46 PM

What a magnificent animal. This photo shows exceptional detail and quality. Excellent.
        Photo By: Marcus Armani  (K:36599) Donor

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/11/2006 7:37:40 PM

Perfect subject for this month's photo project. Your execution is spot on.
        Photo By: Rich  Swanner  (K:-3732)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/10/2006 5:27:52 PM

The clouds add a very nice since of motion. Great shot!
        Photo By: kostas sidiropoulos  (K:887)

Critique By: Eric Hazard  (K:590)  
1/10/2006 5:13:36 PM

The detail is definitely amazing.
        Photo By: Mistral Vortex  (K:627)

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