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Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/23/2011 10:08:02 AM

thanks Riny! really appreciate your words..
This pic shud be better :)

salam dari Indo,
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/23/2011 9:38:24 AM

a simply story of this daily life shot!
indeed the atmosphere and composition are great, Anubrata :)
also love the depth of this pic, it's truly beautiful...
Goes to my favorite!

n thanks for sharing :)

        Photo By: ANUBRATA MUKHERJEE  (K:1510)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/23/2011 9:25:20 AM

fantastic shot, Erik!
I feel so quite looking at your picture longer.
very nice lighting, composition, and toning..
the moon completes it all to be this perfect night shot..

best regards,
        Photo By: Erik Machado  (K:-4)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/23/2011 9:20:06 AM

another stunning picture, dear Luis!
very nice contrast and composition..
what a conceptual shot!

        Photo By: luis pereira  (K:26013) Donor

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 6:20:28 PM

I see this boy is staring at me behind the glass :(
totally a kewl picture!;)

        Photo By: Peter Hasky  (K:348)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 6:19:54 PM

another intimate portrait u've got here!
very nice contrast indeed :)

all the best,
        Photo By: Peter Hasky  (K:348)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 6:18:50 PM

I see this boy is staring at me behind the glass :(
totally a kewl picture!;)

        Photo By: Peter Hasky  (K:348)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 6:10:12 PM

I wont say much as I truly agreed with the previous comments :) btw he's sooooo cool! is he your son?

best wishes,
        Photo By: Peter Hasky  (K:348)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 6:07:16 PM

I lost my words :(
Your works are really incredible ! ;)

        Photo By: Peter Hasky  (K:348)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 6:05:40 PM

truly awesome! ;)
        Photo By: Peter Hasky  (K:348)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 5:54:14 PM excellent portrait, Piotr!
lovely tone, angle, posed, and detail (as I cud touch his freckled skin!

Good one, goes to my favorite! :)
        Photo By: Peter Hasky  (K:348)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 5:45:34 PM

simply wonderful image, Armando...
nicely composed, excellent framing, and superb lighting!
I am very impressed with your ability in choosing a perfect exposure to this high contrast atmosphere. The way u keep the detail on the shadow, its just perfect!

with all best wishes,
        Photo By: Armando Giambolini  (K:17779) Donor

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 2:49:57 PM

yer welcome, Sam :)

I meant Shutter Speed...:) why I said so b'coz I wud prefer a sharper silhouette indeed. Maybe the SS wud about 1/2000 or faster, I dunno.

To maintain the aperture and ISO setting of this kinda pic, shooting with the RAW format wud be a benefit for the photographers. The exposure is still possible to be corrected thru Photoshop even to -/+ 2stop, without losing the quality of the image.

have a nice weekend!
Ryca :)

I just wanna share, didnt mean tobe an expert as I am just an amateur indeed :)

        Photo By: Sam Kh  (K:19017)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 12:50:24 PM

a spectacular architecture shot, Richard..
wonderful angle, lighting, and perspective!

great job!
        Photo By: Richard Marks  (K:3809)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 9:11:22 AM

Hi Luis, how are u? glad to see u again :)

Whatta magnificent picture anyway...
Beautiful composition and amazing view of the BG!
I also like the bird passing by as well as the attractive grain as your special way which add some mood to this dramatic picture..

I am kinda fans of yer works :)

with the best regards,
        Photo By: luis pereira  (K:26013) Donor

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 6:07:54 AM

another great abstract shot, Dear Vehbi...
y..u always be so cool? ;))
love the POV, strong colors, and the pattern on the building at BG..

have a lovely weekend my friend,
        Photo By: vehbi dileksiz  (K:37355) Donor

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 6:03:39 AM

a beautiful flower!
Love the colors, light, and DOF!

best wishes,
        Photo By: Hubert Lam  (K:10)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 5:35:48 AM

wonderful perspective and toning, Radak...
I try to modify in my version n see what happened in BW :))

        Photo By: Zsolt Radákovits  (K:10376)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 5:21:31 AM

beautiful BW picture, Radak :)

a simply interesting house with a good contrast and nice composition..

        Photo By: Zsolt Radákovits  (K:10376)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 5:17:58 AM awesome still life shot, Barak :)
love the POV and lighting. It's also so sharp n composed as well!
(I know here's no crop or edit using Photoshop for sure, congrats 4 u ;))

best wishes!
        Photo By: Zsolt Radákovits  (K:10376)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 5:10:21 AM

wonderful colors, dreamy, and poetic..

        Photo By: Victoria Henderson  (K:701) Donor

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 5:00:18 AM

oopss m sorry sir, I thought u're a new comer
        Photo By: Martinho Monteiro  (K:85) Donor

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 4:57:46 AM

nice exposure!

[IMO] I dunno what was u trying to show because both part are taking the same portion here, maybe it's confusing to my eyes at least ;) and I hope next time u can choose more interesting subjects to strengthen the point of view.
Hope u dont mind as I'm trying to write a constructive comment. Welcome to UF!

all the best 4 u,
        Photo By: Martinho Monteiro  (K:85) Donor

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 4:42:05 AM

a breathtaking picture, Martinho...
The gradation of dark up to the light builds a stunning dimension to this shot, as I were trying to explore everything lies behind every ridges.. )

very natural, nicely composed, and beautiful atmosphere indeed..

        Photo By: Martinho Monteiro  (K:85) Donor

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 4:16:21 AM

great shot, Sam..
whatta beautiful sky and the birds!
thanks for sharing..


how bout a faster SS? (if the format is RAW )
        Photo By: Sam Kh  (K:19017)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 4:00:13 AM

nice idea, Radak..
Btw the tittle of ur pictures are always amazing! The lighting n detail are also nice here...

I noticed that he is/was a farmer (just let me know if I were wrong). Well in my opinion the use of f/1.8 isn't quite work perhaps a large DOF wud be more appropriate for this kinda shot.(In other words, we can say that the point of view -POV- is not so clear here ;)
I hope u dont mind as I try not to be hesitate :)

with all the best wishes,
        Photo By: Zsolt Radákovits  (K:10376)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 3:23:11 AM

a great macro shot, Richard!
sharp, beautiful grain, n nicely composed...

        Photo By: Richard Marks  (K:3809)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 3:13:39 AM

Hi Radak!
well,, this is a creative work, original, and nice DOF indeed...I noticed the focus isn't quite sharp here (u're about exceed the minimum limit of the lens)
Think u only have 2 options now, using a macro lens or do cropping sometimes )

Thanks for sharing!
best wishes,
        Photo By: Zsolt Radákovits  (K:10376)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 3:02:23 AM

Dear Radák

Surely caught by my attention coz it's eyecatching, and I was really curious bout the story behind as u choose the perfect tittle indeed :) Btw glad to hear u're open to any opinions...

Btw your choice to upload pictues as they are, is great! It wud be a challenge to any photographer for sure ;)
I think your son would love photography just like his grandpa n also your idea 2 capture such decisive moments cud be a history of him in coming years

Thanks for the technical information. The more we try (and error), the more we learn ;) Its the best deal for every photographers before they wanna start to make a best picture

I really appreciate your visit to my portfolio, indeed the pics are still far from perfect but thats why we're here, right? Sometimes things missed by our eyes could be found by others. So be free to leave yer opinion, thanks alot and nice to share with u..

You too have a very wonderful weekend :)
greetings from Indonesia
        Photo By: Zsolt Radákovits  (K:10376)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
10/22/2011 2:08:22 AM

hi Radak..
beautiful portrait n story behind...
wow he looks so excited and curious :))
btw...just opinion, I prefer to add more room at the left so that the camera isn't cut as the composition also wud be more interesting (at least to my eyes lol)


wud u tell me why u prefer to choose f/1.8 on this shot? :)
        Photo By: Zsolt Radákovits  (K:10376)

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