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Critique By: Sofia Gilbert  (K:3942)  
1/8/2010 6:49:21 AM

Very nice pix. like it. regards, sofia. 7/7
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Dilip Kumar Sharma  (K:1419)  
1/8/2010 5:04:02 AM

        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Mahmoud Baha Sadri  (K:19634)  
1/7/2010 7:33:28 PM

What a great image "that day...." is!!
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Paul de Beukelaar  (K:26449)  
1/7/2010 7:01:34 PM

Great threatening manifestation of nature,
beautiful situation to enjoy for fishermen and spectators.
Well captured and processed Ryca,
many hugs,
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Radovan Magdalenic  (K:32881)  
1/7/2010 5:59:46 PM

Excellent composition,beutiful image Ryca.Regards
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: FRAU BEE  (K:825)  
1/7/2010 5:46:30 PM

NICE ONE........
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Aungsita  Chatterjee  (K:19843)  
1/7/2010 4:52:20 PM

        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Kallol Majumdar  (K:27691)  
1/7/2010 3:26:28 PM

Wonderful shot, dear Ryca...lovely colors and drama...very nicely defined silhouette...
hugs, kallol
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Nanda Baba das  (K:78053)  
1/7/2010 3:04:59 PM

Beautiful dear Ryca.
All my best wishes
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
1/7/2010 3:03:41 PM

Dear Doug,
First of all, thank you for your real critique :)
Think I don't have any reason to hate you for being honest, instead I really appreciate it so much...and so sorry to late reply coz I dont spend much time to be online, hope you understand.
I'll try to answer your question and confusion.

1. Thanks (again) for stopping by
2. In fact, I was not really sure about this shot. That's why I upload here and maybe I've got the point from you.
3. hmm..think I do agree with you, a lil bit noise in the upper one third. I'm trying to get details about the black cloud that was so much noise and in the lower one third is the opposite :).
4. Then lucky me..
5. Yep, its quite a bit off.
6. I'm really curious with your software use to smoother this image (but its ok if its your secret lol)
7. Hmm...not agree, especially if cropping the right side this picture will becomes less dimension.
8. Ok.
9. is it important?

Why I named it so? the complete title is "one day when the fisherman do not go fishing and relax". I do sometimes have difficulty to make the title simpler, so I use an online dictionary to translate it and maybe there are some misunderstanding I dont know :)

Ok hope you'll be satisfied with this. I spent about a half hour to read and reply carefully using the dictionary
Btw your retouch is very cool! Thanks so much, you are really a talented person, Dear Doug..

have a nice day,

        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf  (K:61374) Donor  
1/7/2010 2:43:52 PM

Amazing colors and beautiful silhouettes!!!
Well done!

Best wishes,
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)  
1/7/2010 2:23:06 PM

Dear all,
thanks for stopping by..
I really appreciate your comments

all the best,
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: 神 風  (K:10665) Donor  
1/7/2010 7:30:46 AM

Aloha Dear Ryca (via Turi),

Please allow me to give you a 'Real' critique from a 'Real Photographer' ... Okay?

1. First Impact: I just love sunsets of course and who doesn't so that is what made me have to take a better look at the larger size from the thumbnail ...

2. Was I disappointed? ... Yes, so please allow me to explain and I will not forget to mention that the middle part of this image is for sure the strongest ...

3. A lot of noise in the upper one third and too much negative black space in the lower one third. Do you agree?

4. So, because this picture has so much potential as most do let's repair it together ... Alright?

5. Horizon straightened which is quite a bit off.

6. Smoothed out the overall image for that painterly feel.

7. Cropped off the bottom and off the right.

8. Adjusted the contrast with some clarification to the beautiful colours within the 'Middle Realm' which is the most delightful part of this image to me ...

9. Added a simple 'Presentation Border' with Typo Credits also to recognize you as the 'Artist & Photographer' ...

I hope you don't hate me know for being honest nor do I hope you think I am being disrespectful in any manner for having enjoyed this little conversation with you that has lasted almost an hour now, but with one glass of red wine in between ... !:))

P.S. As for the 'Title': Perhaps you can tell me why you named it so ...
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Supriyo R. Sarkar  (K:7582)  
1/7/2010 6:32:29 AM

Amazing shot...lovely color...
Excellent shot dear.
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Turi cg  (K:27715) Donor  
1/6/2010 7:55:50 PM

great colors and composition!! 7++
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf  (K:61374) Donor  
1/6/2010 4:54:32 PM

Wow...! Amazing colors! Lovely and moody image..

Best wishes,
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Nanda Baba das  (K:78053)  
1/6/2010 4:12:35 PM

Very nice colors, great capture dear Ryca.
All my best wishes
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Ben van der sande  (K:1328)  
1/5/2010 8:50:21 PM


I did look at your foto's . I like them so much that I am planning to follow you through the year.

Best wishes for 2010

Ben van der Sande:)
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Srna Stankovic  (K:172232) Donor  
1/5/2010 10:15:32 AM

So beautiful dear Ryca ... one of your best in my humble opinion :)
Happy New Year Dear !!!
Hugs :)
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: rajesh dhar  (K:30)  
1/5/2010 7:41:53 AM

amazing blend of warm & cool tones! like the ambience.
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: rajesh dhar  (K:30)  
1/5/2010 7:37:51 AM

good shot!
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: rajesh dhar  (K:30)  
1/5/2010 7:36:30 AM

very nice
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: James Lee  (K:4790)  
1/4/2010 2:02:42 PM

This is a superb shot. Love the perspective and expressions. Composition with window frame closing to the centre produces a really nice frame. Shadow on woman's face superb and quirky to have older person's hand directing the children's gaze. Love the intergenerational aspect. This one is an award winner!
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: James Lee  (K:4790)  
1/4/2010 1:59:47 PM

This image caught my eye - says more about the thumb nail format than anything else. Love the composition and use of strong contrast to bring out the textures and forms. Would have tried a slightly different perspective to put the child further right and the outrigger further left. Lovely shot.
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Mike Cook  (K:4389) Donor  
1/4/2010 3:12:04 AM

Great Shot! - Love the colours and mood
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Mohamed Bakr  (K:1934)  
1/3/2010 11:43:51 AM

nice color & good composition
best regards
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: sanjoy Bose  (K:3560)  
1/2/2010 6:39:20 PM

Happy New Year & excellent capture
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Kallol Majumdar  (K:27691)  
1/2/2010 6:16:22 AM

Wonderful it, Ryca...7/7
hugs, kallol
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Stan Ciszek  (K:56854) Donor  
1/1/2010 9:03:55 PM

Thank you so much dear Ryca....
All the best to you and yours as well.
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

Critique By: Stan Ciszek  (K:56854) Donor  
1/1/2010 9:01:06 PM

Exquisitely beautiful...I love it.
        Photo By: Ryca C.R.  (K:3895)

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