Baturalp Torun
{K:2426} 10/8/2003
excellent work.. great capture.. perfect scene! well done..
Danny siu-ma
{K:435} 10/7/2003
Crazy pigeons make photographer crazy
shelby koning
{K:5450} 10/7/2003
wonderful photo, love the sense of urgency of the pigeons! My only suggestion would be to crop out or otherwise remove the red of the persons jacket in the bottom left hand corner as it is disproportionately bright in comparison to the rest of the photo and grabs attention away from the rest of the scene. Great work overall!
Federico Garza
{K:386} 10/7/2003
Thanks for your comments so far...please feel free to play with the photo...I'm here to learn...=)
Mike Frakes
{K:3349} 10/7/2003
The thumbnail was dark and eerie, and I agree with Hakan, it has a certain Hitchcock-esque feel to it. I like it, but want to play with it.. have you tried cropping the people out? (i only say this because they are not running around screaming and general mayhem running amok) The building and the clouds really add to that dark feeling it has.
Carol Watson
{K:5185} 10/7/2003
Great shot Frederico! I hope you had a hat on... and a lens hood! :-)
Shiv Kumar Surya
{K:17362} 10/7/2003
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 10/7/2003
Its like a scene from Hitchcock's Birds..Excellent shot Federico.Regards,Hakan.