John Bolloten
{K:-266} 5/13/2009
Thanks for your answer, I was interested because in Morocco it is not easy to take pictures of people (especially close-ups) so I see you had similar issues in Egypt too. Sometimes you just have to pay to get the image, I have no problem with that as long as its just a small amount. Best regards amigo.
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 5/12/2009
Hello John, the people initially is not so happy to be photographed and they say a usual refrain like " one euro ,one euro,..." It's really strange,... you give them a euro and they are happy to be photographed! Anyway I didn't pay anyone for these pictures also because I was alone and most of the time in "non touristic area". I know that the egyptian don't like that you photograph their women so I tried to not photograph them (at least directly ;) ). This is one of the few were I put a girl in the frame but it's more a case...
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 5/12/2009
A me l'occhio si sofferma sulle frattaglie e la bilancia, concordo con Paola, che saluto, un'immagine da esplorare.
enrico (ventrix)
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 5/12/2009
Bella street... piena di cose, di vita.
{K:30983} 5/12/2009
Nonostante i tanti elementi, ancora una volta in una tua foto, mi capita di non riuscire a staccare gli occhi da un dettaglio. In questo caso è il viso della donna/ragazzina (non saprei) sulla sinistra. Scatto ricco!!
Paola LL
John Bolloten
{K:-266} 5/12/2009
Another good one Giuliano, bellisimo! How easy was it for you to take these pictures in Egypt? Were the subjects happy to be photographed? Best regards.
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 5/11/2009
Oltre alle foto, adesso aspetto la numerazione, è troppo spassosa :)))