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Pedestrian way in the presence of pedestrians
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Image Title:  Pedestrian way in the presence of pedestrians
Favorites: 0 
 By: Nick Karagiaouroglou  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Nick Karagiaouroglou  Nick Karagiaouroglou {Karma:127263}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon T90
Categories Street
Film Format 24x36
Portfolio Lens Canon FD 24mm f/2.8 SSC
Uploaded 6/2/2008 Film / Memory Type Ilford  Pan-f Plus
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 284 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 10 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City -  Engelberg
State - 
Country - Switzerland   Switzerland
About At almost the same place like on the previous one. What about the protruding part of the rooof at the top left?
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There are 10 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 6/6/2008
Alter Fuchs, hahaaa, dat war gut!!! :-)

You are right with Jassou, and Jassas, Wolf! Jassas is the plural and the polite form while Jassou is the normal singular. Directly translated it means "Good health on you!".




Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 6/4/2008
Many thanks again for the nice comment, Gustavo!



Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 6/4/2008
Ach so alter fuchs, jetzt verstehe ich etwas mehr.
Duisburg kenne ich nicht aber Duesseldorf schon, da hat man auch sowas met der sprache.
Jassou / Jassas <- greek for hello i guess ?

Ja, bliebe online mein freund.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 6/3/2008
Hi Joggie,

and thanks a lot for the detailed comment that helps me so much! You really stand in my own shoes for a moment when you comment about the protruding roof. Unwished in the book of rules but then again (for me) some kind of "reference". I guess, should it be accepted by the "rules", it had to be even more prominent.

Comparing the other one with this one, this one has definitely more life in it. It's a scene of human presence as you say. What you find sterile on the other one is for me, for some strange reasons, the very "call of the mountain". You know, when you are in some place with no other human being around, and then you gaze somewhere and you get so small, unimportant, unnoticable. Much like some kind of "priviledge" to see things in the typical absence of human activity, though for example the houses *are* the results of human activity. Something like that. Empty streets have something very... pacifying to me.

Thanks a lot again!



Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 6/3/2008
It seems to me that they made the street at the best possible place, Dave! It's exactly directed to the background mountains.

Thank you very much again!



Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 6/3/2008
Für mich, 'nen Pottler, heiss' et nich "Gruetzi" sonnern "Ey, Kumpel!" ;-)

What you remind me of, Wolf! I lived for 20 years in Duisburg where the Dutch influence in German language results in such a nice street dialect! (Nostalgia!)

Dat Teil da drop is' ech' Kappes, ey! Wech dammed!

Tschüsskes un' bleeb online!



Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 6/2/2008
Muy buena la composición también, la inclusión de personas en la escena le aporta un toque de vida y dinamismo.


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 6/2/2008
Hi Nick - an interesting question. I nhad a look at the previous image and must say bI prefer this one by far. This one is full of life and the other appears sterile. The roof at the left top appears to be indtruding when you look at it from a technical side. I tried to look at it through your eyes and picture myself standing underneath the roof, taking a picture of a live scene. Within that framework the roof has meaning, placing the photographer (and viewer inside the frame and make one in a sense part of the scene. My choice would be to leave it in and live with the comments from the "rulebook"! Take care!


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 6/2/2008
A good architectural study I like the composition with the curve of the street, Nick!


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 6/2/2008
Gruetzi mein lieber. Dat teil linksoben kannst du ruhig weglassen.
Schuess mein freund.




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