James Gullett
{K:5} 1/12/2005
This image is the most beautiful thing I have seen. it is my true love.
Tara Gullett
{K:1678} 1/5/2005
Thank you Igor... something very new for me. : ) Tara
Igor Gatnik
{K:2300} 1/5/2005
Tara, such a beatuiful name, you are very strong and original in self portraits. Congratulation.
Tara Gullett
{K:1678} 1/2/2005
Thanks Mark.. I didn't kno about this one. Ended up a bit painterly .. Tara
Mark O'Brien
{K:1050} 1/2/2005
Tara - very cool, a bit surreal. Thanks for sharing
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 1/2/2005
I like this - great portrait - great tones and the scarf has a glitter effect - very nice - glitter all around - cool self - K
Paco Ferrer
{K:8586} 1/2/2005
Very interesting....
Tara Gullett
{K:1678} 1/2/2005
Thank you Phil. There was alot of sharpening and burning and dodging .. : ) Tara
Tara Gullett
{K:1678} 1/2/2005
Oh.. Carla.. I love you : ) I havn't been called a girl for a long time. Tara
Carla Stephens
{K:3148} 1/2/2005
Tara very nice. You are a very pretty girl, you should unfilter and post the original. However, I understand, as my photo is also filtered:]
Phil Curwen
{K:310} 1/2/2005
Very nice..I know how hard it is to do portraits. I like what you did afterwards. Phil