Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 2/13/2008
I also took a look at them. paul. Nothing! No difference at all! I'll have to convince my mind that the brightness is absolutely the same, it seems. I think that I have this false impression when I look at the two for some minutes and then allow my eyes to wander to the right - perhaps some result of their image that gets "burned" for some seconds on the retina.
Sometimes I wish there wouldn't be such a subjective sight - I mean such kinds of illusions that make me see things that simply don't exist.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 2/12/2008
Thanks, Nick. Looking at RGB values, there is no difference in brightness, but I can see how the mind does strange things with such overlapping geometry.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 2/12/2008
What I find so striking here is not only the amount of completely sharp taken details of the geometric pattern and even the texture of the floor, Paul! Much more than this it hits me that the image is almost monochrome everywhere except on the two people. This puts such a tension on the whole view!
And if I add the rather perfect composition, that put the two on that floor like some kind of intruders, but still also very naturally belonging there, then I must say: Excellent!
The only "problem" I have, is that the floor at the right of the legs of the girls becomes suddenly lighter. Does it or is it only my eyes? Isn't the whole right half of the circle on the floor lighter? I can't really say - I just have this impression.
Cheers, and just keep it up!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/16/2008
How so?
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 1/16/2008
...I was misled....
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/16/2008
Ok, Jimmy, HERE is the original shot:
 Virginal Pre-manipulated photo bliss |
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/15/2008
..but if you didn't NOTICE its manipulation, why be a hater?
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 1/15/2008
Arrrrggghhhhhhh!!!!!!! I HATE when things are manipulated... can ya send me a copy of the original?
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/15/2008
Actually, I desaturated everything outside the inner circle, but left them in living color.
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 1/15/2008
Love the image. Love the composition... love the fact it is NOT b/w. Love the whole swirly-twisty-stuff.
Jan Iwo
{K:6133} 1/14/2008
Realy fantastic composition, detalis and angle of shot. Congratulations.Regards. Jan Iwo.
M jalili
{K:69009} 1/14/2008
Amazing shot ..................
Todd Wedgworth
{K:3433} 1/14/2008
im with avi, the couple gets totally lost in the design of the floor. i think just the floor would be a cool shot.
Ronen Helman
{K:7393} 1/14/2008
magnificent,not quit the same but my first association was the "time tunnel" :) well done 7+++
Girish Chonkar
{K:6903} 1/14/2008
Amazing Tile work and nice capture.
1301307 60
{K:44058} 1/14/2008
The beauty of this capture is its optical illusion, the couple are almost camouflage since they are not in another tone, they blended with the bacjground. I think a lesser contrast with the couple would blend them better. IMHO great graphic!!! very interesting symmetry... regards,,
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/14/2008
Yes, it was my desire that these two nearly get swallowed by the strong pattern. That is why I was shooting as wide as I could get.
Thank you for your feedback, Avi.
{K:11377} 1/14/2008
Hey Paul :) I got few of those... yes indeed very difficult to lessen tension, also agree with Avi, I guess play around you know your stuff:) Harry
{K:70138} 1/14/2008
good shot. very good shot. I would probably do this in B&W. But one thing - I think that the patterns on the floor ar SO strong here, that the figures almost got lost against them. Just a personal view.
best, Avi