Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
3/10/2004 7:09:06 PM
Excellent shot and at the perfect moment!! When it comes to wildlife, you can't ask for more than that. Great work!
Photo By: Sandor Botor
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
2/29/2004 7:30:17 PM
Very well done! You have captured the beauty of natures trickery. Winter is mostly flat and dull but mother nature always has something up her sleve to bring out the beauty of a seemingly dull season. Good work!
Photo By: Rick Koth
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
2/11/2004 6:07:37 PM
Nice capture at the precise moment.
Photo By: N T
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
2/11/2004 6:05:38 PM
Great composition and an original idea! Nice.
Photo By: Barry Walthall
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
2/6/2004 7:48:19 PM
Blue leaf? Of course. Broccoli and cabbage have blue leaves although this wasn't either. This was a product of bad saturatation. But then you knew that didn't you... ;-)
I like your hummingbird images. Very nice!
Photo By: Rick Mathewson
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
1/24/2004 8:21:56 PM
Such affection from an animal that has been portrayed as a ruthless killer for decades. Great capture. Congrats!
Photo By: Randall Wood
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
1/21/2004 5:40:43 PM
No Davide, I didn't use digital zoom on this image. It appears Usefile is doing a little sharpening during the image processing. If I put the image I sent up next to the one here, they don't look the same. I would rather they didn't do any processing and leave that to each individual photographer.
Photo By: Rick Mathewson
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
1/14/2004 6:39:07 PM
Great idea and a job very well done!
Photo By: Digimist JUD
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
1/9/2004 6:26:57 PM
I see loads of these images of Robins and when I do I only have one question. What is the country of origin? They are a beautiful bird and very much unlike the American Robin.
Great capture!
Photo By: Massimo Ghini
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
1/4/2004 2:46:42 PM
Wow Ryan! They don't get much better than that. Nice color and composition. I especially like the flash reflections within the drop. Great work!
Photo By: Ryan Blades
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
1/4/2004 2:32:10 PM
Thanks Hanna. It must be wishful thinking on both our parts because when the flowers arrive, so does spring! ;-)
Photo By: Rick Mathewson
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
11/29/2003 10:26:33 PM
Copper copper grandpa stopper. A quote from my grandson when I got pulled over in Tennessee. The officer was very curteous and let me go with a "friendly Tennessee warning". He could have made my life miserable. I was going 78 in a 55.
Photo By: Greg Katsoulis
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
11/29/2003 10:16:59 PM
I'm not much of a cat lover but he's a pretty cool looking subject. Nicely done.
Photo By: Lisa Schwanke
Critique By:
Rick Mathewson (K:115)
11/9/2003 12:43:51 PM
Very nicely done!
Photo By: ileana barigelletti